You may be considering teeth straightening treatment and braces for many different reasons.  Some patients have their teeth straightened because they have crooked teeth that are causing health issues as they cannot clean their teeth effectively, or their bite is impaired making it difficult to eat and they lisp.  Other patients simply don’t like their smile.  Whatever the motive,  be it vanity or valour, the Straight Teeth Suite in Nottingham can help you. We all want to smile spontaneously,  look our best and have confidence in our social lives. That’s not vanity, and it is certainly not self-indulgent. It’s a meaningful, intelligent act, especially if it gives you the courage you need in the big wide world.

The Straight Teeth Suite have treated thousands of adult patients who were facing a life-changing event, and their new smiles gave them the resolution and the self-assurance to face the day.  To want to look your best is only natural and makes perfect sense. We get a lot of patients who are in the public sector, for example and have to speak in public or meet clients face-to-face. You might be a teacher, a policeman, a politician or a bank manager, no matter what career,  a beautiful smile, and straight teeth not only makes you happier and more self-confident but actually enhances your job prospects leading to promotion and success. Straight teeth and smiles make successful people.

And brides-to-be invest a lot of time and energy in their special day that of course, they want to look their very best.  After all, photos of the wedding will be treasured for many years and brides and bridegrooms, want to feel relaxed and smile spontaneously for the camera. The Straight Teeth Suite get so many cards of ‘thank you’ from appreciative patients to say how much we’ve changed their lives and how we made the day so special by improving their smile and making them feel good about themselves.

However, we do get a few patients who feel ashamed and think the very act of wanting their teeth straightened is somehow self-indulgent and extravagant, “I want to straighten my teeth but my husband says I’m just being vain.”  Straight teeth are not just for Hollywood stars or the fortunate few who were born with straight teeth.  It’s not about vanity; it’s about improving your quality of life. To desire straight teeth and a beautiful smile you feel happy with, not only boosts your ego but actually improves your mental health on a much deeper emotional and lasting level, turning shy people from introverts to extroverts.  We don’t call this vanity but valor, as armed with straight teeth and an attractive smile you can take on anything and win!

For your free consultation contact the Straight Teeth Suite in Nottingham here and be vain!

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