Aftercare with Six Month Braces in Loughborough: – Your guide to Six Month Braces. Part Four

Posted on: November 9th, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments


You know you want a little magic, straight teeth and a new smile to feel good about yourself. Choosing the best procedure and where to get it, might be difficult. Before you make your decision, you should know what to expect from the treatment, the ups and downs. It is always a good idea to do some research.  Getting the Six Month Braces treatment in Loughborough is a decision made by many people, thanks to the great testimonials and wonderful new smiles of former patients. In Part 4 of this series, one of our dentists will run through some FAQ associated with the aftercare of Six Month Braces.

How to Take Care of Your Six Month Braces braces

As we discussed in our previous blog  when choosing to correct your teeth in Loughborough, you will also get regular check up’s to review the braces and answer any questions regarding your treatment,  teeth and braces. It is really important to see your dentist and hygienist regularly, not only for checking the position of your teeth but because the health of your teeth needs to be maintained.  

Carefully Clean Your Teeth and Braces

In addition to the check up’s you will be instructed on how to look after your teeth and braces. You should regularly use mouthwash, and TePe brushes around the brackets. You should clean your teeth every time you eat. Of course, you can also floss with your braces in place but that is a bit more time consuming. The TePe brushes help with this.

You Need to Wear a Retainer After the Treatment

No matter how young or old you are, and what type of brace you’ve got, you always need to have a retainer. Without retainers, your teeth will eventually move back to their original position.  You will need to be committed even after treatment to avoid this scenario.There are two types of retainers: a fixed retainer or a removable retainer. You should also have at least three retainer checks, once your treatment is completed,   to be sure you’re not having any problems.

Can I whiten my teeth?

There are many people who are interested in using whitening products during the treatment with Six Month Braces. This must be avoided. However, many patients do have whitening treatment when their braces have been removed.  This is a great way to complete the treatment since it will add that extra wow you need to celebrate your new look.

Make a free appointment with one of the dentists HERE. To read Your Guide To Six Month Braces part 1 CLICK HERE