Smile Radiantly in 6 Months

Posted on: October 16th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Having problems with your teeth is why so many of you feel less confident. Not only that you are not comfortable smiling, but you become nervous and even scared to see a dentist. These small worries can then build up to bigger problems and your teeth may develop bad conditions.

If you are unhappy with your smile, seeing a dentist is mandatory. And, as most patients say, once they get to talk to the dentist, who explains the steps of the treatment, their fears disappear. Many of our patients walk in extremely nervous but our team of dentists are used to dealing with scared patients.

One particular nervous patient booked a FREE consultation with us. She was given all the information with the recommendations and advice upfront. Right away we helped her make the correct decision regarding the treatment for her teeth problems. This made the patient feel comfortable and happy, trust the team and want to continue with treatment.

After being consulted, this patient was given the 6 Month Smile brace treatment.

There are more straightening solutions available, but not all of them meet everybody’s needs and requirements. This is why all patients must be seen by dentists, and discuss all the issues their teeth condition involves.

How Does the 6 Month Smile Work?

This is quite a simple treatment, and, as it’s name says, it involves braces that are designed to straighten your teeth in 6 months.

They are quite different from the traditional braces, offering more comfort through their discreet appearance and the lack of metallic wires.

The 6 months braces can be used for both your top and bottom teeth, depending where your problems are. They were created to help people who have gaps between their teeth, or who want to have a straight healthy smile.

Once you have the Six Month Smile braces fixed, your teeth should begin moving very quickly. Most patients who are nervous of dentists are amazed of how fast their smile is improving and the results are obvious.

A Brand New Smile in Just 6 Months

The patient was really happy with the results, stating that after wearing 6 month braces, she became more confident, being able to smile without the fear people look at her teeth. The treatment wasn’t painful and the results were much better than she ever imagined.

Misaligned teeth can stop you from smiling, as well as they can affect your social and personal life. So, if you have problems, you want to get a gorgeous smile and see if you are a good candidate for the 6 month braces, make an appointment with one of our dentists HERE

7 Common Questions Patients ask about Lingual Braces

Posted on: October 9th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Lingual Braces is a much preferred orthodontic treatment to straighten crooked, crowded or gapped teeth, especially among adults in Nottingham that want to achieve a wonderful smile and perfectly aligned teeth. However, since it is a relatively new and definitely innovative system to get you to the much-desired straight-teeth result, several questions arise. Here are the 7 most common of them, answered one-by-one for you, so you have a clear idea of what to expect from your Lingual braces treatment.

1. How do Lingual Braces work?

Lingual braces is an orthodontic treatment where small metal brackets (and a specially bent metal wire placed into them) are glued on the back of the teeth and apply forces on your teeth able to make them move to the desired position. It is a procedure that results to a beautiful smile and perfectly straight teeth. Lingual braces are perfect to straighten crowded, overlapped, or gappy teeth.

During this treatment, it may be required to do some tooth slenderising (IPR – enamel removal) to create some space for the teeth to move and align.

2. How do Lingual braces look?

Wearing Lingual braces is discreet, and the brackets used are very small to be seen when smiling, unless you tilt your head back or your chin down. Here, at Straight Teeth Suite, we use the most advanced materials and high-end technology, to ensure excellent results at all times. Currently, we are using Innovation L Lingual braces, which are the latest Lingual treatment in orthodontics. These are made up of a small metal base with a small door which holds the wire in place and is used instead of a module (o-ring), used in conventional braces.

3. How long do I need to wear them?

Treatment times vary and depend on the complexity of each case. At Straight Teeth Suite, we have treated simpler cases within 3-6 months, while moderate cases can take 9-12 months. As for more severe cases, it can take 18-24 months to achieve the desired results.

4. How much do they cost?

Prices start from £3000. However, this is only indicative, as the final cost depends on whether one or both jaws need treating. Furthermore, there are also cases, where a combination of treatments may be more effective. For example, we have treated patients by using Lingual braces on the top teeth and tooth-coloured Six Months braces on the lowers.

Case 1 below was treated using upper Lingual braces as the patient wanted something truly invisible, and it took about 10 months to achieve teeth straightening. As for the bottom teeth, we used Six Month braces as it was easier, quicker and cheaper to straighten the lowers with that system, and treatment was completed in about 6 months. Of course, like in any other orthodontic treatment, the patient was provided with fixed and removable night time retainers at the end.


Case 1

5. Are they painful?

Initially, there is always a degree of discomfort and I always warn my patients that the teeth will ache for the first 2-3 weeks. Please expect some tongue-soreness and possible ulcers due to the braces and wires rubbing. Moreover, you will have a temporary lisp initially that might take you 1-2 months to go away.

Most of my patients complain on those problems but as soon as they see their teeth move so quickly and nicely, they accept the initial discomfort and know it is worth it for the end result.

6. Who is suitable to wear them?

Most patients are suitable; however, we do inform our patients if some movements are easier to achieve with labial braces, meaning braces that go on the front of the teeth. At Straight Teeth Suite, it is our duty to fully inform our patients of all options and understand that some cases are possibly better treated with different systems.

The patient in case 2 shown below had braces as a child and didn’t have retainers for the top teeth so they moved back to their pre-braces position. She then felt she wanted something invisible and opted for lingual braces. Relapse cases are perfect cases to be treated with lingual braces.


Case 2

Case 3 shows a patient who didn’t like her front teeth and wanted to have the most discreet option to straighten her front teeth alone. So she had upper lingual braces and lower 6 Month braces. The lower teeth were straightened in 6 months and the uppers in about 9-10 months.


Case 3

Our opinion? If you want to straighten your front teeth only, lingual braces are a great option!

7. Are there any side effects?

Like all types of orthodontics, there may be some risks and complications. The temporary issues have been described above. Other problems maybe tooth decay or gum problems, but could be easily prevented if only you look after your teeth well and have a good diet.

Extremely Rare Issues:

The nerve of a tooth may die. If it happens, it is usually linked to previous trauma to the tooth (i.e. bike accident or sport injury) which would have already damaged the nerve of the tooth.

The shorting of the root of a tooth, which is also extremely rare. If it happens, it is usually linked to very complex treatments with severe misalignment which require long treatments. There is also a genetic component.

However, both complications mentioned have a significantly low instance to occur while wearing Lingual braces.

What has become obvious is that Lingual braces have fantastic results if only applied by professional orthodontists that know their job well. Due to the particularity of this method, you need a dental expert you can trust, so to ensure the best results.

That being said; it is not a surprise that Straight Teeth Suite is established as a leading practice in orthodontic treatments, based on the superb results achieved and the high-end technology used that makes any process easier and more comfortable than ever before.

Book your FREE consultation now to get your quote and ask us about our flexible treatment plans.

Never before was your gorgeous smile with beautifully aligned teeth closer to becoming reality!


Will Invisalign work for me? Your guide to Invisalign, part two

Posted on: June 12th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

If you are ready to be more comfortable with your smile, and you think having straight teeth might help, getting your teeth fixed with Invisalign is a great option.

The custom-made aligners are barely noticeable and removable. They are also fast and extremely effective.

You probably have many questions about how to use the aligners, who can use them or what restrictions they might bring. So, here are some answers most people are looking for when it comes to getting straight teeth with Invisalign.

  • Are there any restriction on what I can eat while wearing the aligners?

Obviously, we don’t recommend you eat while wearing them because you could damage the aligners, so remove them when you’re eating and remove them when you’re drinking, unless its cold water. Also, you may want to avoid anything that’s too hard to chew because your teeth may be a bit tender but as long as you take them off you can basically eat anything you like (not like with fixed braces).

  • Can I Smoke While Wearing the Aligners?

No, smoking is not advised. Not only can you damage the aligners because obviously they’re made of plastic, but you can also discolor them quite severely. So do not smoke, please.

  • Can I Chew Gum While Wearing Aligners?

No, that is not recommended because again, you can damage your aligners and there will be a charge to replace them.

  • What’s the Best Way to Clean My Aligners?

A good and small toothbrush that can fit into the aligners works quite well and also rinse them in lukewarm water. You should not use anything like a denture cleaner, because they have got some chemicals that may end up damaging your aligners. Also, brushing your teeth after each meal and prior to re-inserting your aligners is strongly recommended.

  • Are there Certain Dental Conditions that Could Exclude Me from Being an Eligible Patient in Leicester?

Yes, unfortunately, if your gums are not healthy and if you have had a lot of bone recession around your teeth, you cannot have any treatment with braces. However, once your condition is treated, wearing aligners should not be a problem anymore. A consultation would be able to assess whether or not you are a suitable candidate.

  • How Often Do I Need to Change My Trays?

Straightening your teeth with Invisalign is not annoying or difficult. However, it is essential that you change your trays every two weeks.

For any questions, concerns, or queries, please feel free to contact the practice and book a FREE consultation. To read Your Guide To Invisalign part 1 CLICK HERE and for part 3 CLICK HERE

What To Expect During a Teeth Straightening Consultation?

Posted on: February 13th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Your initial consultation is specifically designed to have your needs met, and queries answered. At the Straight Teeth Suite, we like to sit down with you and discuss your general dental health and hear all about your thoughts on the future of your mouth. This consultation is your opportunity to share your vision per your dream smile with us and see what we can do to achieve that. Acquiring a beautiful smile, but most importantly maintaining it in mint condition is paramount to your overall health, considering all the adverse conditions that can occur due to neglected oral health. That aside, a good set of pearly whites is definitely a confidence-booster and gives a sense of well-being. This makes our goal at Straight Teeth Suite a noble one, which is why we always go above and beyond the typical first-consultation services.

Standard Procedure

Phase #1: Assess your Oral Condition

The first thing we do when you come in for your first consultation is look at your dental condition. Are your teeth positioned in an aesthetic way? Is your bite function correct? Do you have trouble eating? Are you happy with the shape and colour of your teeth? All these factors will be carefully assessed before we move on to the next phase.

Phase #2: Determine whether Braces (and which braces) are the Perfect Option

Will you REALLY benefit from orthodontics? That’s our main concern. No matter the case, we need to see if braces is the right option for you. You could be a perfect candidate for Invisible or Invisalign braces rather than any other treatment that you may had in your mind. You may need orthodontic treatment for your front teeth only. Maybe you had undergone teeth straightening at an early age and have seen your teeth move again over time. Did you know that you may have your teeth perfectly aligned in 6 just months, providing you meet requirements? Or do you prefer lingual braces that are totally unseen, offering utmost discretion?  To learn more about it, take the Straight Teeth Test, here!

If you decide that braces are not the way to go, you may have other options to allow you to meet your goals, and we will be more than happy to present and discuss them to you.

Since we have a wide range of orthodontic appliances, this is generally a good non-invasive way to start. You talk through options and possibilities with the dentist and decide if braces are a viable treatment option for you. Most of the times, braces are the least expensive investment because you can correct precisely what you don’t like, get them whitened, and you are set for a long time!

Phase #3: Provide Options & Educate 

Your smile makeover is a huge deal and should be approached with sensitivity and care. In respect to your needs and goals, we provide you with all the answers you need to make an informed decision regarding your smile. If there are any dental problems, you will know of them instantly. We want to be absolutely certain that the suggested orthodontic treatment is indeed the right for you.

By the time you leave our clinic, you will know things about cosmetic dentistry procedures that will help you make up your mind.


Want a taste of what is being described? Why not book your first complimentary consultation and get a step closer to the smile of your dreams NOW?

Six month braces in Loughborough: Transforming gappy teeth into straight smiles

Posted on: July 7th, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments

Gappy teeth are thought of as lucky within some cultures, where such a smile can represent wealth and fortune, and even within our own westernised culture the most illustrious of catwalks feature at least one in-demand gap toothed model.

However not everyone embraces the gaps in their teeth.

For the majority of people gappy teeth can cause self-consciousness, awkwardly covered mouths, or even the avoidance of social events and situations all together.

However if this sounds like an all-too familiar a tale then you’ll be glad to hear that today overcoming gappy teeth is both more affordable and more quickly achievable than ever before, and in this article we take a look at why.

Braces for gappy teeth

The world of braces has changed. No longer does it mean that the majority must wear the traditional train tracks for as long as two years. So, what can you expect from the world of dentistry today? Well, results within as little as 3 to 9 months for a start! Adult cosmetic braces are are suitable for both previous brace wearers, as well as braces newbies.

6 month braces in Loughborough: A little bit about how they work

6 month braces are designed to be fitted for a period of six months in average, after which you would wear a removable retainer; they are discreet and are decidedly free from the coloured wires and metal that traditional braces came along with.

They may be fixed to both your top and bottom teeth, or to either, and are specifically designed to close the gaps between your teeth, as well as aligning them for a naturally full and straight smile. They can also help to improve the health of your gums.

Your beautiful, gap free smile: Does it sound too good to be true?

Gappy to straight teeth within 6 months may sound too good to be true, so take a look at our patient case studies below, and the impressive results that we have achieved.

Patient A: A previous brace wearer and now a perfect example of super straight, gap free teeth

A patient, who had worn both top and bottom train track braces as a teenager approached us about his teeth, which had moved over time, with a gap emerging within his top row of teeth.

This patient was unhappy with the gaps in his teeth.


The patient did not want to have to wear a traditional train track brace again and specifically wanted something that was both quick as well as discreet. With this in mind we discussed with the patient each and every option, with him ultimately opting for 6 month braces.

And the results? Well, see for yourself…


After just six appointments, and within six months, our patient had a brand new smile that he could be proud of.

Patient B: A story of self-consciousness

Our second story involves a patient who was very self-conscious about his smile as a result of his gappy teeth. He felt uncomfortable smiling and didn’t like the fact his teeth appeared to protrude.


For this particular patient the optimal solution would have been traditional train track braces (specifically to improve bite), however the patient was not comfortable with the two year time period and opted instead for the quicker and more reserved solution of six month braces.

And what did the patient think of his smile post braces?

The patient has said himself that our six month braces, and the results that they have achieved, have been nothing but life changing. You too can have these results.


Saying a final farewell to your gappy teeth

Correcting a gappy smile is no longer the slow process that it once was. If you have questions, concerns or are ready for a professional assessment, then you can book right now with our practice team.

Does your Child Really Need Braces in Leicester?

Posted on: July 6th, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments

It is estimated that about 45% of kids require braces to fix misaligned biting issues, among other functional ones, and a profound 75% of children can benefit from having their teeth straightened. Dental braces are usually recommended as a means to fight 2 major problems: (1) jaw misalignment, where the patient either has an overbite (the top teeth are extruded compared to the bottom teeth) or underbite (the lower teeth are protruded and cover the upper ones), and (2) tooth crowding, usually of the bottom teeth (90% of children). All these conditions are collectively referred to as malocclusions, and besides an unattractive appearance, they can be the cause of serious health issues in the long run.

Why Wear Braces in the First Place?

Some people treat their dental conditions for self-esteem and cosmetic reasons, which includes the improvement of the shape of their face. Others seek the real benefits to wearing braces, which allow them to speak more effectively, bite and chew their food easier, and be able to maintain their oral hygiene and health to enhanced levels.

When we Usually Wait

The real question is, how many sets of braces are indeed required? No one can put a finger on a particular number.

  1. Overcrowding

Some research suggests we wait until the child’s late teens when the jaw will have grown to its full size, before the child begins a treatment, even in cases of more severe crowding. In the majority of cases, we usually adopt a wait-and-see approach, unless our case requires otherwise.

  1. Open Bite

An open bite is another form of malocclusion and occurs when the front teeth don’t meet the bottom teeth when the jaw closes and the child bites down. Early intervention in regards this case is not yet proven necessary, given that the bottom and top rows of front teeth keep are growing toward each other as the child gets older. So, it is proposed to wait until all the so-called baby teeth have been replaced by the adult teeth, before proceeding to a treatment.

  1. Overbite

Approximately 30% of children have buck teeth or an overbite, which is a skeletal abnormality that is usually not treated with braces, but other devices that help realign the jaw. You can have this issue addressed when the child is 7-8 years old or during their teens.

  1. Crossbites and Underbites

These conditions are much less common compared to crowding and overbites in kids. The majority of orthodontists feel that they should be addressed early as it might be easier to correct.

That said, our experience has shown that there are very good reasons for going ahead with braces at an early age (that is prior adulthood).


Benefits of an Early Intervention

First of all, in case of crowded teeth, your child can wear braces for cosmetic reasons and to be able to clean his or her teeth easier. Of course, both reasons offer significant benefits each. For example, your child might feel uncomfortable with the way their teeth look. Let’s face it, some issues with the teeth can be disfiguring, which, in turns, can make your child lose their self-confidence and suffer poor relationships. We all know, as parents, what this can do to a child – to any person, in fact. We see children getting bullied every day with tragic results, and such issues are not to be taken lightly. So, you will probably need to consider an orthodontic treatment. Also, those that can’t chew properly can experience pain. In this case, undergoing a treatment the soonest possible is considered critical.

Other than that, being able to clean your teeth thoroughly can keep you away from serious  problems, such as gum disease that could lead even to tooth loss and serious inflammation. And we are just scratching the surface of the colossal iceberg here.

However, the one responsible for recommending an orthodontic treatment to your child is your orthodontist; a trusted professional that you know wants the best for you and your family. One that truly cares about how you feel, bears your concerns, and answers your questions patiently. At Straight Teeth Suite in Leicester, we are happy to have cultivated such friendly and family-like relationships with our patients, because our genuine care for them is hard to miss.

To us, your child’s health is as important as it is to you, so contact us, have your first consultation free of any obligations and let’s discuss your child’s options in full!

Will Lingual Braces Work for me in Loughborough ?

Posted on: May 18th, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments

Wondering whether you are a suitable candidate for lingual braces? You are not alone. Many patients come to our practice in Loughborough and ask us the exact same thing. Considering the appeal this treatment has to teenagers and adults, it is no surprise so many people want to know more about it. Of the many things said and written, not everything is accurate. So, here is a brief overview to help clear the air! Of course, your dentist* (please see the note below) is the one responsible for determining which teeth straightening treatment is bet for you, but let’s go over some basics before you visit one!

As a general rule, just remember that if you can be treated with traditional braces, chances are you are also suited to lingual braces.

What cases do lingual braces treat?

Lingual braces are ideal for correcting numerous issues, from very minor to more severe related to the misalignment of the bite and teeth. So, if you have such issues, you will find an effective orthodontic treatment with lingual braces.

Also, lingual braces are used to treat malocclusions, such as crossbites, underbites, and overbites, as well as crooked, crowded, and gappy teeth. In detail:

  • Overcrowding occurs when all the teeth don’t have enough room to fit normally.
  • Any extra spaces within the jaw lead to widely spaced teeth or gappy teeth.
  • When you have a misaligned upper and lower jaw, you are having cross bites, which means that one or more upper teeth bite on the inside of the lower teeth, either to the side or the front of the mouth.
  • Deep bite is when the upper teeth overlap with the lower ones to a significant degree.
  • Finally, underbites occur when you have protruding front teeth. This is because the upper jaw undergrows for some reason, or the lower jaw overgrows (maybe even both).

What ages are ideal for lingual braces?

Typically, adult patients feel strongly about lingual braces, mainly because they appreciate the fact that they have been provided with a way to develop a great smile and correct their bite issues without compromising their appearance. Their smile improves quickly, without anyone knowing they are under an orthodontic treatment. However, an increasing number of teens and preteens also find lingual braces to be indispensable for the same reasons. They just love wearing braces that don’t obscure their teeth and not feeling self-conscious about their appearance. And, we all know how challenging the school environment can be.

Therefore, if you are an adult, professional, or have a teenage child and having a discreet orthodontic treatment is not enough, lingual braces are the best option. They are not only confidence boosters because they are completely invisible, but also very effective in treating every issue conventional treatments can. So, if you are suited for conventional braces you are an excellent candidate for lingual braces, too.

* NOTE: Only dentists who have been on additional training can apply lingual braces and determine if lingual braces will work for you, so be careful when choosing a dentist for that particular treatment.


Fill your moments with much laughter and the widest smiles ever. Contact us now, book your complimentary consultation (free of any obligations), and be free to focus on your fantastic smile, not your braces anymore!


What are Lingual Braces in Nottingham? A Helpful Guide

Posted on: May 10th, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments

The majority of modern patients are particularly concerned with their appearance when undergoing an orthodontic treatment. Ever since the introduction of Invisalign aligners in 1998, more and more people are receiving treatments, mainly because of the extreme discretion the treatment provides them with. Who wouldn’t want to wear braces that are hardly visible, anyway? Unfortunately, Invisalign braces don’t cover all patient cases. Some problems require more than plastic aligners to correct. Besides, it would be nice to have an option that allows for complete invisibility. The recent advances in CAD/CAM technology and 3D imaging have provided us with another option, called Lingual (meaning tongue) Braces; a very crucial milestone in orthodontics.

What do they Look Like?

Lingual braces or Invisible Braces are braces attached to the inside of the mouth – the teeth that face the tongue. This means that they are invisible from the outside, and even if someone is too close to you, they would still know you are wearing braces.

Advantages of Lingual Braces

Besides being practically undetectable, lingual braces are extremely efficient in treating complex cases compared to clear aligners. These cases could include altering the height of the teeth, correcting rotations, and closing the space(s) after an extraction. In addition, when wearing braces, discoloration (white spots) occurs, sometimes. With lingual braces, you will not have to worry about someone noticing those white spots on your teeth, as they will be on the inside.

Why are Lingual Braces more Expensive?

Lingual Braces require lighter and smaller, robotically created wires, and precision brackets, given that the distances between the teeth on the inside are shorter than on the outside. Since braces and wires are custom-made, requiring specialised technology and 3D imaging to make them, plus the fact that treatments tend to be more timely and involved, lingual braces make a more expensive treatment. Also, compared to conventional braces, lingual braces may require more chair-time. It makes sense though as working on the inside and upside-down is more difficult for an orthodontist than working on the outside.

That aside, it takes specialised skills to offer lingual braces. It is NOT something every orthodontist can do. They need to have extra training for this particular dental treatment, and, of course, always keep up with the latest through continuing education courses. This expertise acquired figures into the cost.

But, don’t be intimidated by the sound of lingual braces being more expensive. There are ways to make the cost manageable, either via dental insurance plans that may cover lingual braces or in-office payment plans.

What to Expect at First?

It will take some time to get used to having braces on the inside of your mouth and so close to your tongue. But, an adjustment period is anticipated in every type of treatment, anyway. The wires and brackets will feel a bit rough at first, and you may have slight issues with your speech. Don’t worry. These are only temporal and more or less the same as wearing normal braces. Now, the one thing that is different is that it will be a bit more challenging to keep your teeth clean, but our hygienist will give you a great helping hand.

However, not everyone is fit for lingual braces. If, for example, you have small teeth of significant issues with your bite, such as an overbite, you may not be a suited candidate for them.

As you can understand, there are lots of things that have to be discussed so that you can make a wise and knowledgeable decision. For that reason, feel free to book your first consultation (no charges) here at Straight Teeth Suite in Nottingham, where we can go through all options and offer the best solution for your case.

With fantastic results guaranteed and benefits that outweigh the potential drawbacks, wearing lingual braces will definitely be an investment well worth your money and time, so why wait any longer? Just Contact us now and let the most invisible journey to a wide, straight smile begin!

Invisalign: From A-Z in Nottingham

Posted on: May 5th, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments

Admittedly, Invisalign is gaining popularity, especially among adults, as a solution for orthodontic issues, and for a very good reason. Invisalign, unlike traditional ceramic-metal braces that require the placement of brackets on the teeth, in addition to being linked together with unaesthetic-pleasing wires, works, as its name suggest, almost invisibly. It is a particularly attractive solution for those that feel self-conscious about wearing braces that are noticeable and wish to draw attention away from their mouths, such as actors and teachers.

But, how much do you know about Invisalign? Here is a guide to the basic steps involved, so you know what to expect before you decide to opt for them or not.

  1. Consultation with our Certified Invisalign Providers

Please note that only professionals that have received specialised training can work with Invisalign.

That said, during your consultation appointment, our trained clinicians will assess your smile’s needs and determine if you are a good candidate for Invisalign or not. This is necessary, because, in some cases, the type of problem may require another orthodontic treatment to fix, other than Invisalign.

  1. Creation of a Bespoke Treatment Plan

With Invisalign, we use a series of clear trays that are specially created by taking X-rays and impressions of your teeth, so they fit almost perfectly over your teeth. These are then submitted to a specialized laboratory that makes a 3D print of your smile, which will be used to create an individual treatment plan. That way, we are able to estimate the overall duration of your treatment.

  1. Arrival of Individually Moulded Trays

Once your customized trays arrive, the treatment process can commence. However, for Invisalign to work properly, you must wear the aligners 20 to 22 hours per day, remove them only when you eat or drink, and brush your teeth regularly. These trays will allow your teeth to move into the right position, as a means to correct your teeth alignment issues, without having to worry about anything during your everyday life. Once the individualised treatment plan is completed, you can look in the mirror and be euphoric with the beautiful smile you have gained!

Final Notes:

  • Normally, you will have to replace your aligners every couple of weeks and have a new set. This is to paramount to allow the teeth to continue moving throughout the treatment process.
  • It is important to check in with our team approximately every 6 weeks or so, to check how the treatment progresses.
  • Like any other teeth straightening method, maintaining your oral hygiene is critical to a successful orthodontic treatment. It is paramount to clean your aligner after you have removed it to eat or drink, so it won’t get stained and remains bacteria-free.


To acquire a gorgeous smile is not a far-fetched dream at Straight Teeth Suite, so don’t be intimidated by those that may discourage you from wearing braces, only because they think braces are for children.

Contact us, book your first FREE consultation  to know more about braces, and let’s make it happen!

What is the best age to get braces in Loughborough?

Posted on: August 26th, 2014 by freshadmin No Comments

Some patients wonder if there is a best age to get braces. Are braces only suited for children, or adults can give it a shot, too? Questions like that have only one answer…

You should be showing your back to whoever tells you braces are only for children. Here, at Straight Teeth Suite in Loughborough, we have treated patients of all ages because we strongly believe that it is NEVER too late to get a beautiful smile and straight teeth. In other words, age is never a contraindication, nor should it ever be.

In fact, the huge majority of our patients is adults, between their 30’s and mid-60’s. Some of these patients came to us after they had already completed their orthodontic treatment at a younger age, but have seen their teeth moving back to their original position and becoming crooked again, to their great disappointment.

This is common and happens when you don’t wear a retainer after the completion of your braces treatment. Someone must inform you that your braces treatment is not over with the removal or braces, which is what also distinguishes a true professional that respects his job and his patients from one that only sees you as a cash cow.

Don’t go far; the famous singer Faith Hill, who had braces on just recently, was asked about her orthodontic treatment. She said that she didn’t wear a retainer upon the completion of her braces treatment (during her childhood), and she had to go for a treatment again now. That is why she urged all her fans and listeners never to forget their retainers.

Why People Want To Wear Braces? Most Common Reasons

Apart from having to wear braces because they didn’t wear their retainer, as previously mentioned, people also decide to have braces for a number of reasons. For example:

  • They have reached a stage in their life when they feel it is time to focus more on themselves.
  • Keeping their teeth clean has become a struggle.
  • They have biting issues that prevent them from enjoying a fine meal and a happy everyday life, or doesn’t allow them to have a necessary implant.
  • Their teeth are crowded and want them straightened for aesthetic reasons, or any other.

An Indicative Case

braces in Loughborough


Here is a patient who had a tooth that could not be saved. Of course, removing it was the only option, so the patient wished for an implant. However, he had crowded teeth and an uneven bite, so our experts at Straight Teeth Suite proposed the option to straighten the teeth, in order to both ensure perfect alignment AND improve his bite, at the same time. With an aesthetically pleasing final outcome guaranteed, the patient decided to go for this option.

We went for upper and lower 6 Month Braces treatment and then had his teeth whitened. The bad tooth was removed, an implant was fitted to match the rest of the teeth, and you can now see the excellent results achieved!

Do You Have A Right To A Wide Smile? By All Means!

Happiness and being able to share smiles with the world is not a privilege only of the younger ages. Everybody should have a reason to smile for, and have beautifully aligned teeth that are a true sight for sore eyes!

So, if anyone tries to put you off having braces later in life, their voice should be ignored… Do you want to know why? Because Straight Teeth Suite in Loughborough and Dr. Raha Sepehrara always have their doors open for you, to give you back what is rightfully yours!

Contact us Now and let’s welcome your new smile…!