The risks to children with protruding teeth

Posted on: October 30th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

One of the questions Straight Teeth Suite, frequently get asked by parents is,  “My child’s teeth stick out. Are they more likely to get hurt? ”  There are multiple risks to protruding teeth in children, but there are solutions.  Once the milk teeth, or baby teeth, have erupted, and the adult teeth have grown in it is quite common to see irregularities especially in the upper two front teeth, the central incisors, and they often protrude.  Prominent teeth can be the result of thumb sucking in small children, but there can be many reasons why the adult teeth stick out.

Prominent front teeth cause many problems.  The child can have problems biting down on certain foods.   The teeth might cause damage to the gums or the roof of the mouth and the lips.  Teeth that stick out are at risk of getting hurt from all types of sport and children are often teased, being taunted for their ‘sticky out’ teeth and called names such as ‘chipmunk’.

The best solution to resolve all these problems is for your child to wear an orthodontic device; to wear braces.  Once the adult teeth have grown in, usually as a young teenager, braces can be fitted, and the teeth gently and safely moved to their correct position. This will not only protect your child’s teeth from accident and injury but restore their confidence.

At your first consultation with the dentist, we will assess your child’s teeth to determine the severity of the prominent teeth. We will recommend a suitable brace that can be either a removable brace or a fixed brace depending on how far the child’s teeth stick out.  With both types of brace,  the teeth will be moved back, so they are covered by the lip, and the bite restored.

Braces are not unusual in teenagers of school age.  Your child will probably be familiar with the braces their friends wear from the almost invisible braces to those with coloured wires and brackets.  If your child is nervous or reluctant of the possibility of being fitted with braces, the dentists at Straight Teeth Suite will be happy to reassure them all the way through their treatment.

Once your child’s treatment is completed and the brace is removed, they will need to be fitted with a retainer to prevent the teeth from moving back to their old position and protrude once more.  It is also a good idea to be fitted with a mouth guard to protect the teeth while playing all types of sport.

To make a free appointment to discuss your options and help your child, contact the Straight Teeth Suite HERE

New Kids on the Blog: Three Signs Your Teenager Needs Braces

Posted on: May 22nd, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Braces are part of growing up.  Maybe you are already aware your son or daughter needs braces, or perhaps they are already asking as more and more of their friends come to school with their braces fitted, and they want straight teeth too.  The Straight Teeth Suite sees new kids every day and help their mums and dads make the right decision to bring their teenagers along to have their teeth straightened and avoid serious problems in the future

There are a number of obvious signs your teenager needs dental braces but others are not so obvious, and all teenagers will need to see the dentist to be sure.  The three following indicators are the most apparent:

  1. Crooked or crowded teeth: If your children’s adult teeth have grown in crooked, twisted or overcrowded, they will need braces not only to improve their smile but to make the teeth easier to keep healthy and clean.
  2. Incorrect bite: When the bite isn’t aligned correctly, it is difficult to chew properly, and your child may experience discomfort when eating. It is important to correct a crossbite, underbite, or overbite with braces before they experience any major dental health issues.
  3. Misaligned or irregular teeth: They can also lead to problems when chewing food. Braces can help to correct this issue.

It is important to seek help from an experienced dentist to determine if braces are a right option for your child’s orthodontic needs.  A full examination, diagnosis and treatment plan is prepared by the dentist and the different options discussed with you and your child.  Gone are the days of the dreaded ‘train track’ braces with their heavy metal brackets and wires akin to ‘Ugly Betty’. We use the advanced generation of braces that are not only more effective but easier to wear, a whole lot more comfortable and more invisible.

It is important to involve your teen in the whole decision-making process.  After all, they are the one wearing and looking after their braces and need lots of encouragement to feel good about the idea as it is not a quick fix. Apart from avoiding some hard to eat foods and fizzy drinks, braces won’t impinge on their activities, including sports,  and they will one day thank you for the gift of a beautiful smile.

If you and your teenager would like a free consultation to discuss dental braces, contact The Straight Teeth Suite here

When Should I Take my Child to the Orthodontist?

Posted on: May 15th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Many parents wonder at what age they should take their child for their first braces appointment. It’s one of the most common questions an orthodontist is asked.

At the Straight Teeth Suite we start treatment when the child is around 12 or 13. Sometimes as early as 11. It all depends on whether your child’s young adult teeth are present. What is important to understand here is that taking your child for their first orthodontic check-up does not necessarily mean that braces will be required at the age of 13, or even at all.

The importance of an early check-up

You may be wondering why you should take your child at such an early age? Is it too soon? Is there any point when their teeth aren’t even fully developed yet?

At the age of 13, the structure of your child’s teeth and bite are beginning to form. A number of their permanent teeth are starting to show, and at the Straight Teeth Suite we will be able to evaluate your child’s dental growth patterns. Getting an evaluation as soon as these teeth are visible will allow the dentist to pinpoint potential problems, such as overcrowding and crooked teeth.

A few common factors that the dentist will assess include

  • Placement of permanent teeth (including missing/additional teeth)
  • Jaw growth pattern
  • Crossbites
  • Overcrowding of teeth
  • Under/overbites
  • Habits that affect the bite
  • Potential problems with gum
  • Oral development issues

The list above are problems that most often appear early on, but each child’s individual dental growth is unique and there are a number of complex factors that could affect your child’s smile. Your orthodontist will review your child’s dental structure after their initial examination, which will often lead to a second observation, where your child will be re-evaluated after a period of 12 months.

If any issues are identified that can be addressed early, a discussion will be initiated regarding available treatment options, and your dentist will be able to give you a professional opinion along with suggestions.

Any treatment at the age of 13 will most likely be moderate, simple procedures that will focus on particular areas rather than the overall structure of your child’s smile.

At our practice, we understand that any kind of healthcare treatment at such an early age is a big step, and significant time should be allowed to consider all options and a complete review of the potential choices and process provided.

Visit our Nottingham Straight Teeth Suite dental practice to book a FREE consultation for your child and receive a full evaluation. Ensure your child has a happy and healthy dental future!

The Survival Guide for Teens and their Braces

Posted on: March 20th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Your teenager may have reached the age where their adult teeth have erupted and they need braces.  They may have an overcrowded mouth, protruding teeth, or a poor bite but they are rebelling at the idea of braces and need answers before their next dental appointment.  The Straight Teeth Suite have compiled a useful list of questions and answers to help you and your children but don’t hesitate to ask any questions we may have omitted.

How to help your Child Overcome an Overbite in Leicester

Posted on: February 24th, 2016 by freshadmin No Comments


If your child has lost his or her baby teeth and the adult, permanent teeth have erupted, but your child has an overbite you will be concerned.  Not only do the top row of teeth protrude beyond the bottom row of teeth but your child may have developed jaw pain, speech problems and problems eating.  They may also be teased by their peers, damaging their self-esteem at a fragile age.  The Straight Teeth Suite in Leicester can correct all the problems associated with an overbite by fitting braces and caring for their teeth.

Overbites, where the top teeth vertically overlap the bottom teeth, are very common, and we see many children with this kind of misalignment.  An overbite may be the result of genetics or thumb sucking when the adult teeth are developing. It is best resolved early because the growing jaw can be easier to manipulate than one that has already fully formed. When an overbite is diagnosed early, treatment is often less invasive and very effective. Early treatment is when the child still has a mix of their milk teeth and adult teeth.

Most cases of overbite are not necessarily problematic but need to be corrected for aesthetic reasons. All teenagers want a great smile. But when an overbite is extreme, it is a cause for concern. A poor bite can lead to jaw pain, wear and tear on the enamel of the teeth, making your child more susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease.

Braces will need to be worn to correct an overbite.  They have evolved over the past decade and are now easier to wear and look after.  Some braces are fixed, some are removable, and some are invisible, and they are no longer the traumatic ordeal of the past.  Your dentist will diagnose the severity of the overbite and recommend the correct braces and treatment to bring your child’s teeth into their correct position ensuring not only their dental health but restoring their self-confidence. By resolving an overbite in your child’s young days, you will help prevent serious problems in the future.

If you would like to discuss your child’s overbite with a dentist contact the Sleep Teeth Suite in Leicester HERE

No NHS Braces for your Child: What to do if you can’t get braces in Leicester

Posted on: January 19th, 2016 by freshadmin No Comments


We are very fortunate as a nation to have the NHS but, as with all medical treatments and procedures, at any age, we may be put on a waiting list or denied treatment if it is considered purely cosmetic.  Braces are in high demand as more and more people want straight teeth and a beautiful smile.  Unfortunately, some teenagers are missing out. Although the law states,  “Orthodontic treatment is available on the NHS (for free) for under 18-year-olds, who need it,” and the law is seemingly unambiguous, some teenagers are still denied braces.  If your teenager has been refused orthodontic treatment on the NHS and you are at a loss to know what to do, the Straight Teeth Suite in Leicester can step in to give your child the braces they need, and ease the pressure on your finances.

The let out clause in the law, “who need it,”  allows NHS Orthodontists to select patients eligible for free treatment by using the IOTN Assessment to determine whether or not your child will receive free braces. The assessment is comprised of a health component and an aesthetic component and is marked on a scale of 1 to 5; 1 being closest to dental perfection and 5 being severe dental issues, such as protruding teeth, overcrowding or missing teeth.  Naturally, those young patients with a high score are going to be first in line when treatment has to be rationed on dental health grounds.  The NHS does not have unlimited resources. This may seem unfair, especially if the young patient just misses out with a borderline score.

If your child has been denied NHS orthodontic treatment or has been put on an unreasonably long waiting list and you consider this unfair, you should speak to your family dentist and arrange for a second opinion.

Alternatively, you could seek private treatment. Even if your child’s need is purely cosmetic, it is no less valid.  Straight, well-functioning  teeth do wonders for their confidence.   We have a selection of options to straighten your child’s teeth from fixed braces to clear, removable braces.  If the problem with the teeth is relatively simple to resolve, the treatment will not take too long and may well cost a lot less than you first imagined.

We are well aware many parent’s budgets are stretched to their limits when bringing up children and private dental treatment may seem out of the question.  We have put together a financial plan to ease the burden so you and your children can receive treatment when you want it, without delay.

No child should be denied a beautiful and confident smile. Contact the Straight Teeth Suite in Leicester for a consultation today.

Tips for Teenagers: Brushing with Braces in Loughborough

Posted on: December 8th, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments


Young people often have so much going on in their lives they are too busy to take the time to brush their teeth properly.  They get up late, hurry breakfast, can’t find their school bag and have a hundred and one things they want to do before they brush their teeth and are out of the door to enjoy the day, leaving you feeling frazzled.

Your son or daughter has now reached the age where they have had their braces fitted, and it is now more important than ever they clean their teeth correctly and effectively. The Straight Teeth Suite in Loughborough does know busy mothers need help and have a few tips to pass on to your children to ensure they take care of their braces and have an easy and successful time straightening their teeth.  Cleaning around wires and brackets can be notoriously difficult but they will thank you in the end, even if it sometimes feels like you are nagging as you constantly repeat the phrase, “Have you cleaned your teeth?”

They need to:

Scrub teeth and braces with a good toothbrush taking care to brush above and under the wires.

Brush along the gum line, top and bottom.

 Brush all surfaces of the teeth; back, front, and top.

Rinse and check teeth and braces to ensure they are cleaned effectively, and there are no food particles trapped in the brackets, wires or between the teeth.

Be sure to rinse well with water, to remove any food particles that may be stuck, if unable to brush.

It is important to brush immediately after eating or as soon as possible.  If your son or daughter sneaks a fizzy drink or eat sweets despite instructions not to eat or drink foods high in sugar content while wearing braces, let them know they must brush their teeth straight away before the sugar does any damage.  They need to brush at least three times a day with a soft-bristle toothbrush and to change their toothbrush frequently for a new one.

Braces can increase the bacteria in your teeth and mouth, increasing the risk of tooth decay and cavities.  The should use a Waterpik if possible, or a teepee brush to clean around the brackets. This will help to eliminate any bacteria and food particles trapped in those hard-to-reach places.

You can remind your children if they take good care of their teeth and braces they will in just a few months’ time have great smiles to impress their friends.  

If you have any questions or are interested in braces for your children, contact the Straight Teeth Suite in Loughborough for a free consultation.

Ditch the Dummy – Braces for Teenagers in Loughborough

Posted on: November 9th, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments


You might see thumb sucking, dummies and braces as three stages of your child’s development but if nobody ever warned you of the connection, you might not know you are setting your child up for problems in the future by allowing your baby to continue this habit.  If nobody ever said, as your little angel popped his thumb, or dummy, into his mouth, “Oh how adorable but he will damage his jaw and teeth and need braces if you don’t stop that now,” you will not be aware there might be unnecessary problems to come. But now your little angel has now grown into an angst-filled, precocious teenager hiding away, too embarrassed to smile, posting sulky looking selfies on Facebook,  which don’t win any  popularity contests with their friends who pout and grin unselfconsciously at the camera.  All’s not lost. You can help your teenager by bringing them along to the Straight Teeth Suite in Loughborough

Modern braces can, over time, fix many problems and no longer resemble the train-tracks of yesteryear when we all looked like a weird version of Frankenstein.  Depending on the specific problem, be it crooked teeth or a gappy smile, a narrow arch or a poor bite, dentists now have the solution to correct the problem with a selection of clear ceramic braces, hidden braces, fitted to the reverse of the teeth, or aligners.  You can reassure your teenager no one need know, and they can go to school without fearing they will be the butt of anyone’s joke.

However, let us rewind for a moment.   You can help from a much earlier stage in your child’s development by stopping thumb sucking and by never introducing your child to a dummy in the first place. You may have seen pictures of unborn infants contentedly sucking their thumb in the mother’s womb, but this is a habit young children should have grown out of before they attend kindergarten at around the age of three years old.  If this habit continues later into childhood when the adult teeth start to come through, there is a high risk of malocclusion, the imperfect positioning of teeth, due to the pressure of the constant sucking of dummies, thumbs or fingers.  In the worst case scenario, the shape of the jaw can be seriously damaged by sucking with the negative pressure altering the shape of the arch causing problems with the bite resulting in surgery and braces to correct the problem.

Fortunately, most problems with your teenager’s teeth can be remedied by your dentist. Teenager’s see this as a great source of comfort amid the stress and anxiety of their lives.  They are under enough pressure at school these days with their image, let alone education, friends and family. Parents, above all else, need to help their children to feel good about themselves and never to feel a social outcast. The goal is not to strive for perfection but to celebrate how fabulous you child is.  The gift of straight, healthy teeth is one way to restore or build confidence and self-esteem. For a FREE consultation  with your teenager, make an appointment at the Straight Teeth Suite in Loughborough.

Brace Removal for Your Child In Nottingham Aftercare Once Braces Have Been Removed

Posted on: October 13th, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments


The day that your child’s braces are removed is always very exciting. Finally, they will be able to eat what they want! However that excitement can be offset somewhat with worries of appearance and questions about what happens next. Below we have compiled the answers to the most commonly asked questions in Nottingham relating to teens after brace care.

Will my child get white marks on their teeth from the braces?

It’s not braces that damage or mark the teeth; it’s not cleaning the teeth well enough, or eating the wrong things. Please make sure your child avoids fizzy drinks and sweet things. Ensure they brush their teeth, use the recommended mouthwash, and use a Tepe teeth cleaner to avoid white marks. Otherwise, they could end up with lovely straight teeth, but white marks everywhere.

Remember, you and your child are doing this for them. Their smile is for themselves. It’s about them gaining the confidence that comes with having a straight smile for the rest of their life.

Will my child need retainers at the end of the treatment?


Whether a child, teenager or an adult, and whatever type of brace, retainers must be worn at the end of the treatment. Without retainers, the teeth will move back to their original position.

Here at Straight Teeth Suite we like to provide the combination type retainer. This is a small, fixed retainer, consisting of a little bar that goes at the back of your child’s teeth, so it can’t be seen.

We also provide a night-time retainer, a plastic clear one, that goes on top of it, to be worn (as the name suggests!) at night.

This retainer combination is recommended to be worn probably for the rest of your child’s life. Retainers do have a lifespan, so every 5 to 10 years they will need replacing. Like anything, there will be wear and tear.

There are cases where your child may need a two-stage type treatment; initially having a removable brace, and then a fixed brace. If this is the case, please ensure that your child wears the removable brace as instructed. If it’s not worn, then the teeth will not move as desired, and things are not going to improve.

Will my child need headgear?

No, we don’t use it.

The way to prevent your child’s teeth from shifting again is by ensuring they wear the retainers at the end of their treatment.

Remember, retainers are for life. Even when your child is an adult they will need to have a retainer. Otherwise, their teeth will move back to their original position, and you’ve both gone through all of this treatment and expense for nothing.

Don’t forget, if you have any questions at all, you can contact us at our Leicester clinic to arrange a FREE consultation.