Is Invisalign right for you in Nottingham?

Posted on: October 7th, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments


With such a variety of different dental treatments available, it is sometimes difficult to know which one is best suited to your teeth. If you’re based in the Nottingham area, our team of professionals at the Straight Teeth Suite can provide the relevant care that you need, as well as explain the various pathways that are available to you as a potential patient.

Read on to find out more about how the treatment works, our FAQs and how you can determine whether Invisalign could provide you with the smile you deserve.

What is Invisalign?
Invisalign is a treatment designed to straighten your teeth using almost invisible plastic trays, created bespoke for each patient. A succession of aligners will be given to the patient, to be changed every two weeks until the straightening process is complete.

What are the benefits of Invisalign?
For starters, Invisalign is removable. It’s also great from an aesthetic perspective, thanks to its clear appearance, meaning that if you’re someone who is worried about how your dental treatment will look, you will be able to keep it concealed with ease. In terms of comfort, you will also sidestep common issues that plague fixed brace treatment, such as rubbing of wires.

However, from a professional perspective it is the overall level of service provide by the Invisalign laboratory that sets this treatment apart. Through producing what is known as a ‘clean check’ – a virtual film of how your teeth will move during the treatment, whereby every patient is able to see a visual representation of their planned progress. Understanding exactly what to expect from beginning to end is of huge benefit to all parties involved.

Can I receive the treatment at any dentist in Nottingham?

Only certain dentists across the country are registered Invisalign providers. While different brands of clear aligner are available, not all offer the same level of treatment as Invisalign.

How does Invisalign work?

Each set of aligners is replaced every two weeks, at which time the progress of the treatment can be tracked in order to progress to the next stage. This process will repeat until the cycle is complete and your desired outcome has been achieved.

Is there an age limit?

Generally speaking, there is no age limit for Invisalign. At the Straight Teeth Suite, our team are equipped to treat anyone from young adults with a fully formed set of adult teeth to older patients. Providing you have healthy teeth and gums, you will be eligible for treatment, whatever your age.

Am I required to get my teeth professionally cleaned before I begin Invisalign treatment?

It is recommended that everyone pays a visit to a hygienist on a regular basis, regardless of whether or not they are receiving or planning treatment. Doing so ensures your teeth and gums are maintained to a healthy standard, and also makes starting the treatment much easier. With professional cleaning, you will be able to ensure that plaque doesn’t stop or block any movement – something that occurs when it is left to harden – and you will be able to achieve the straight teeth you desire in a shorter amount of time.

Is the treatment itself painful?

This will obviously depend on your personal pain threshold, so it’s difficult to provide an accurate answer without having an initial consultation first. You can expect to feel some initial pressure in the first week or so, but this will ease off.

I am currently wearing braces. Can I make the switch to Invisalign?

This is something the team would have to assess in your FREE initial consultation. If you are judged to be a good candidate – a status that will be determined by the current position of your teeth and the shape of your bite, among other things – then you will be able to make the switch to Invisalign with ease.

Does the procedure work on overbites?

Thanks to new developments in the technology used by Invisalign, the Straight Teeth Team would be able to use Invisalign to treat overbites. The treatment cycle would likely be longer than average, but it is expected that you would experience the same levels of success in the long run.

Are there certain dental conditions that automatically exclude someone from being considered an eligible patient?

As with all types of straightening procedure, you will be unable to receive the treatment if your gums are deemed unhealthy. Regardless of the type of brace – Invisalign, fixed or otherwise – your gums must be in a healthy state in order for the practice to work properly. Similarly, if you have had a lot of bone recession round your teeth (leaving them weak and prone to wobble), you would not be considered an eligible candidate for Invisalign. This will need to be established prior to commencing with the straightening procedure.

Am I still eligible for Invisalign if I’m pregnant?

In short, the answer will depend on how far along with your pregnancy you are, as the team will need to carry out an x-ray prior to the start of your treatment. Speak with your midwife and GP to inform them of your plans, and listen to their guidance – if they feel it would be fine for you to proceed, then the Straight Teeth Team will be more than happy to carry out the procedure.

Will Invisalign help with severe crowding?

Treating severe crowding of the mouth requires a much more conventional approach than using Invisalign, which is fairly new. It’s likely that you’ll need to have some teeth taken out before any further work can be done on the straightening, so we’d recommend a different procedure first before we look at aligning your teeth properly.

Once Invisalign treatment is complete, is wearing a retainer necessary?

Regardless of your age or the type of treatment you require all patients will be required to wear retainers of some shape or form for the rest of their life. Without doing so, it’s likely that the teeth will slowly move back into their original positions – leaving you back at square one.

Since having my braces removed, my teeth have shifted. Can Invisalign help correct this?

The team at the Straight Teeth Suite have treated a number of patients who have experienced this. Having braces during your teenage years will of course have been extremely beneficial, but without regular care your teeth can often begin to drift back – Invisalign offers a discreet alternative to help remedy this.

Is there any restriction on what I can eat while in treatment?

We recommend to all of our patients that they don’t eat anything while wearing the aligners in order to avoid damaging them – this is easily avoided by taking them out before mealtimes or when drinking (unless it’s cold water). Your teeth will obviously be somewhat tender after the treatment, so anything that you find hard to chew should also be avoided until you are more comfortable with it.

How often must the aligners be worn?

In order for the process to be completed as quickly as efficiently as possible, the team advise that aligners are only taken out when you are eating, drinking and cleaning your teeth. Keeping them out for prolonged periods will only increase the duration of the treatment cycle.

Will the aligners affect my speech?

Due to the proximity of the aligner to your tongue, it’s only natural that you might develop a slight lisp. However, please rest assured that this is only a temporary side effect – after a couple of days your mouth will become used to the aligner and your speech will more or less return to normal. The team recommend that in the days immediately following Invisalign implementation you take the time to speak aloud a lot, perhaps by reading a book or the newspaper, in order to speed up the healing process.

Can I smoke while wearing the aligners?

As they are made of plastic, smoking may cause the aligners to discolour quite severely. It is advised that you keep smoke out of contact with them in order to preserve their condition and indeed the effectiveness of the treatment overall.

What is the best way to keep my aligners clean?

Invest in a small, quality toothbrush that will fit into the aligner to ensure you achieve the best results when cleaning; after rinsing them in lukewarm water, they will be ready to go back into your mouth and their condition preserved as best as possible. Doing this after each meal will ensure they stay cleaner for longer, avoiding damage later down the line.

How often must I see my dentist after the treatment has started?

This will depend on each case. We’ll look at how well your teeth are moving and then provide you with an informed estimate. On average, you can expect to visit us every six to ten weeks, providing there are no complications.

Does Invisalign cause recession?

While it remains unlikely that this will occur, recession can be brought on if you have a pre-existing condition – you may come to notice this more as your teeth become straighter. It also depends on your gums; if they are thin, or have a thin bone at the front, you may be more susceptible to recession, but in this case it would happen regardless of the type of brace you are using. On the whole, however, it is not something our patients normally need to worry about.

I am experiencing some sensitivity with Invisalign. Is this normal?

It depends what you mean by sensitivity. If you are feeling discomfort due to pressure on your teeth, that is a common symptom of aligning braces and should become more manageable with time. If you are sensitive to hot and cold substances, this may be a different condition altogether – alert your dental practitioner and they will run the relevant tests to ensure this is treated appropriately.

Is it possible to straighten and whiten my teeth at the same time?

While it is possible, it is not advised, simply due to the fact that your attachments are going to be designed to be the same colour as your teeth to keep them as discreet as possible. After whitening, these attachments will no longer match your teeth, so we would recommend waiting until the treatment is finished before addressing colour.

Still need more questions answering? Don’t hesitate to contact one of our helpful team at the Straight Teeth Clinic. We’re always on hand to provide as much information as you need, and all our processes can be explained in detail during our FREE initial consultation to ensure you are entirely comfortable with the treatment itself. If you’re based in Nottingham and feel you are ready to take the first step towards straighter teeth, you need look no further.