Why are lingual braces the most comfortable choice in Leicester?

Posted on: June 1st, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments


Of the numerous options for braces, it appears that lingual braces are the most handy. But, what makes them so appealing?

First and foremost, lingual braces straighten the teeth allowing the patient to avoid the obvious appearance of an orthodontic treatment. This means that you can wear braces without anyone noticing it, because the wires and brackets are placed at the back of the teeth and not the front, as with conventional methods. With invisible braces, you have the confidence to smile from beginning of the treatment to end!

Besides the aesthetic reasons, the latest lingual braces are much more comfortable than other orthodontic treatments because:

  • They are built to help minimise the overall discomfort and speech interference.
  • They require fewer wire adjustments, which, to you, means significantly reduced discomfort throughout the treatment. Moreover, it may require to fewer visits, as well.
  • It is an extremely efficient, proven teeth straightening method that delivers the highest quality results.
  • The hidden braces are fully customised with the help of 3D computer technology so that they fit each tooth individually. Unlike older lingual braces, and, of course, conventional treatments, the new generation lingual braces don’t use generic prescriptions. Since no two teeth are alike, the patient gets braces for each tooth separately. On top of that, this customisation in braces allows for less frequent adjustment visits.
  • Just because they are customised, lingual braces have the lowest profile, allowing patients to be able to wear them easily, just like with standard braces. The added benefit is that lingual braces are invisible!
  • You have significantly less impact on your speech as the new lingual braces are up to 70% smaller than what they used to be, which makes them more comfy. Plus, you get less tongue irritation now.
  • It is considerably easier to maintain a good oral hygiene, given that there are fewer wires that restrain brushing and flossing.
  • Brackets are made from gold alloy, not nickel. Since many people have nickel-related allergies, it is a critical to ensure their overall good health.
  • Lingual braces are custom-fit, so you don’t run as much risk of detaching brackets as with other orthodontic treatments. This also mean significantly less re-bonding emergency appointments!
  • You don’t have to remove your aligners and then replace them every time you want to grab a bite. Unlike other methods, lingual braces allow complete freedom to eat and drink whatever you want.
  • You have teeth straightening forces applied on a 24/7 basis. Other treatments don’t work all the time, since you remove them from your mouth every now and then, which prologues the treatment time.

Lingual Braces are Perfect for:

  • Teenagers/adults that don’t want their braces to show.
  • Adults and teens involved in music, theatre, or public speaking.
  • Athletes
  • Musicians (playing wind instruments)
  • Models
  • Adult professionals
  • People worries about damaging their front surface of their teeth.

Want to know more about lingual braces and see if you are a suited candidate for them? Book a FREE consultation with us, and let’s meet in our clinic in Leicester to discuss how you can pursue a fantastic smile and pearly white, straight teeth the soonest possible!