How to treat front teeth gaps?

Posted on: October 23rd, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Having a beautiful smile is not dependent on how straight your teeth are, how crowded, or crooked. However, your facial beauty is somehow damaged when you have teeth with gaps or when your mouth is overcrowded. Several people lose their self-confidence when they smile and have teeth with gaps, which ruins their mood and withdraws them from smiling widely.

Do you find yourself somewhere in these lines? Straight Teeth Suite has many solutions to address your concerns and fix the gaps in your teeth.

Among the most appealing ways we use to close gaps in between teeth are straightening systems like Invisalign and Smilelign, as well as other fixed options, such as the 6 Month Braces treatment, or Lingual Braces.

Both Invisalign and Smilelign are clear aligner systems, fully removable from the teeth, which is one of the reasons most adult patients prefer these orthodontic treatment options. They comprise the ideal option for those that do not wish to go for a fixed option. With Invisalign, you are allowed to eat whatever foods you want, plus you can remove the device at any given time. You enjoy entirely discreet braces that are practically invisible, making teeth-straightening much more fun!

Furthermore, your periodontal health is better assured, as you can brush and floss your teeth more efficiently than wearing traditional braces,. Moreover, you get less irritated cheeks and gums with the plastic rather than sharp metal elements used. Smilelign, on the other hand, is another revolutionary clear braces treatment that allows you to attain a wonderful smile, with no gaps between your teeth, with a set of carefully designed invisible aligners (again removable), letting you enjoy the benefits of wearing braces with the utmost discretion!

Lingual braces and the 6 Month Braces treatments are best suited for people that do not want removable aligners. However, this does not mean that you jeopardise discretion as they are hardly noticeable, too.

Eating and drinking is done effortlessly and stress-free, as you don’t need to worry about taking them in or out when you want to drink or eat.

What all methods have in common (apart from being unnoticed) is that their effectiveness becomes quickly apparent and you don’t have to wait for long before you see the excellent results. Indicatively, minor spaces can be closed in as little as 3 months! And, upon the completion of your braces treatment, you may want to have teeth whitening treatment, so you acquire a really fantastic and amazing smile that turn heads!

What we need to note at this point is that no matter what type of treatment you chose, it is essential you wear retainers, so your teeth remain in their new position and do not relapse. It is a standardised procedure for all braces’ treatments.

If you reside in Leicester and nearby areas, Straight Teeth Suite and our awarded expert dentists will make sure you get the best orthodontic treatment, customized to your particular needs, so you finally get back your lost confidence and self-esteem and start smiling without any hesitation whatsoever!


Smile with Confidence with Invisalign – Your guide to Invisalign, part four

Posted on: July 2nd, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

If you are reading this article, you are probably planning to improve your smile and straighten your teeth. So, you should congratulate yourself for making this decision, considering there still are many people afraid of this procedure, implications and even costs.

Well, there is nothing to worry about. With Invisalign available at the Straight Teeth Suite, you don’t have to wear old-fashioned braces and the costs aren’t as high as you’ve thought.

  • So, What to Expect from Straightening Your Teeth?

Well, the treatment is easy and pretty fast, comparing to usual, fixed braces. Also, people don’t even have to know you are wearing anything in your mouth. Of course, they will begin noticing the improvement and probably the beauty of your smile. But the rest of it? Not really. Only if you tell them, since the aligners are almost invisible.

  • How Exactly Does this Work?

The procedure offered is far from being similar to the traditional braces, most people run away from. You should actually expect clear invisible plastic trays that must be changed every two weeks.

However, you must be careful and not let yourself tempted to do it any less than that, because you can actually stop tooth movement and encounter some issues.

  • Can You Take the Aligners Out?

You definitely shouldn’t take the aligners out more than you are advised to. These aligners must be worn for an average of 22-23 hours a day, so you only removed them to eat, drink and brush your teeth

  • Invisible Aligners Are Not Painful

Many people have this question and the answer is always the same: pain is a very subjective matter. However, with the invisible aligners, you won’t get the entire rubbing that you would with the fixed braces, Of course, there will be some pressure in the first week, but it does ease off afterwards.

  • Invisalign Doesn’t Really Affect Your Speech

Many people are quite afraid of their manner of speaking while wearing braces. When beginning to straighten your teeth in Loughborough, you might also get an unusual lisp, but it’s only temporary. However, besides the fact that many people find it cute, if you talk a lot or read a book out loud in the first days, your tongue can get used to it and the lisp will disappear quite quickly. Not as bad as you expected, right?

  • Is There Anything You Should Not Do While Wearing the Aligners?

After all the good news you received, it’s time for some interdictions. Actually, none of these is good for your health so you can have a positive perspective when it comes to the following advice: smoking and chewing gum are not recommended. Both can damage the aligners and there is a charge to replace them.

So, now that you found out how easy it can be to straighten your teeth are you ready to make an easy but important change in your life? Book your FREE assessment HERE or read Your Guide To Invisalign part 1 HERE

Eligible for Beautiful Teeth? – Your guide to Invisalign, part three

Posted on: June 18th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Your smile and eyes are the most important features of your face. Many people dream about the confidence of a healthy straight smile, but for most of you straightening your teeth seems like a big deal, thinking it must take forever. Well, the good news is getting the smile you have always wanted barely has to impact your daily life.

Transforming your smile with Invisalign doesn’t take as long as you thought and it’s a comfortable as well as removable treatment.  Your peers will hardly notice them.

  • Are you a Suitable Candidate for the Treatment?

The good news is that everybody who is tired of feeling uncomfortable when smiling can take advantage of this treatment. With Invisalign large bites are treated and so are the gaps between teeth. Yes, you can say goodbye too gappy teeth, and you don’t have to wear the annoying fixed braces all people complain about.

A straight smile can actually change your whole face and you can achieve this without too much hassle. The procedure involves invisible aligners, which can be removed, especially when you eat or brush your teeth.

For Invisalign to work properly, you must wear the aligners 20 to 22 hours per day. You remove your aligners when you’re eating, as well as drinking, unless its cold water. You may also want to avoid anything that’s too hard to chew because your teeth may be a bit tender. That’s pretty good news since you are able to eat anything you want without the fear of having something caught in your braces.

  • What if you are pregnant?

Yes, you can straighten your teeth if you are pregnant, but it depends on the stage of pregnancy, and sometimes we may postpone it until after you give birth, because taking x-rays of your teeth prior to treatment is absolutely necessary. So, just to make sure, you should speak to your midwife and GP and let them know you want to have dental treatment, such as braces where x-rays are required and ask for their opinion.

  • Can I have Invisalign if I have a dental bridge or crown?  

Patients with bridges and crowns can also be treated. However, there are some things that must be discussed before. It really depends on their position and on how they would be influenced by the aligners. Once you have consulted, you will be told exactly if there are any issues or not. There have been patients with both bridges and crowns who were very happy with the results.

  • How comfortable will you feel wearing Invisalign?

The pain and discomfort people who wore fixed braces complained about is out of the question when it comes to treating your teeth with Invisalign. Of course, you might feel some pressure in the first week, but it will all be gone in time.

  • So, How Can You Get the New Smile that Will Make Your Life Better?

You can start by making a free appointment with one of the dentists HERE. To read Your Guide To Invisalign part 1 CLICK HERE and for part 4 CLICK HERE


Smile with Invisalign – Your guide to Invisalign, part one

Posted on: May 1st, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

You probably heard many people talking about a method of straightening your teeth, which doesn’t have anything to do with the old-fashioned annoying braces people seem to be so afraid of. Invisalign became popular pretty fast thanks to the many benefits they bring to patients. Here are five of the reasons most people choose to improve their smile using invisible aligners in Loughborough.
1. You Don’t Have to Wait Too Long for a Confident Smile
Everything happens pretty fast around you and waiting years before being able to smile without feeling uncomfortable seems too much. This is why many people don’t even bother to try straightening their teeth. However, the new method, involving invisible aligners is different. In just a few months, you can get beautiful natural looking teeth without any effort at all.
2. Invisible Aligners Makes Straightening Your Teeth Comfy
This already famous procedure, involves a nearly invisible way to straighten your teeth. Even if people who wore fixed braces told you how awful it was for them, you should not be worried.

This method involves going through a succession of clear aligners, which you change every two weeks until your teeth are as straight as you always dreamed of. No rubbing wires like you would get with old fashioned braces and, of course, less pain and much less discomfort!
3. There is No Age Limit!
Age doesn’t matter, even if if you’re in your 60s or 70s. What matters is that your teeth and gums are healthy. However, many dentists prefer using Invisalign on young adults who have got all of the teeth present and fully formed.
4. The Treatment is Cost-Effective!
There are so many people who are afraid of prices when they hear all the information available on getting a great smile in Loughborough. But this is far from being an issue. The price really depends on the complexity of the treatment, but people say that, considering the effectiveness of the procedure, the price is more than affordable and you can spread the cost with a monthly payment plan.
5. Straightening your Teeth Doesn’t Have to Be Obvious
Nobody should feel ashamed to wear braces. However, there are many people who are uncomfortable with fixed braces, feeling like people stare at them. Well, with Invisalign all these fears are gone. Everything is close to being invisible so even if you feel conscious, your peers will have no idea you’re straightening your teeth while talking to them.

Invisalign is an effective but easy and comfortable journey towards a new life full of the confidence given by a beautiful straight smile. The invisible aligners are the proof that there is no need for too much hassle in order to get the straight teeth you’ve always wanted.

If you’re ready to find out what your options are you can contact us here. To read Your Guide To Invisalign part 2 click HERE

How to treat front-teeth gaps?

Posted on: July 28th, 2014 by freshadmin No Comments

Having gapped teeth, or also referred to as diastema (from the Greek word that means “space”), is one of the reasons many people hold themselves back from smiling. Although one’s happiness is definitely not dependent upon the position of his or her teeth, or whether their mouth is overcrowded or not, having gapped teeth can certainly make many lose their confidence. However, there is no need to worry over front teeth that have noticeable spaces between them. Straight Teeth Suite offers a variety of options to close these gaps. For example, we can either use removable teeth straightening systems, like Invisalign and Smilelign or a fixed option, like 6 Month Braces. What are these options? Let’s take a closer look…

            1. Invisalign and Smilelign

Having Invisalign aligners is a great alternative for those that want out of the metal braces that they feel are unaesthetic and hold them back from what they really enjoy doing within the day. Invisalign is a clear aligner system that you can remove from your teeth.

Smilelign aligners is another excellent choice, cut for people that don’t like metal braces and prefer a modern approach to straightening teeth. Again, with clear braces that you can remove, you can achieve the same splendid results as with conventional treatments.

What you need to do is get some impression moulds of your teeth (by our expert dentist) to make 3D images out of them within a few minutes (completely painless), before we make clear braces that fit perfectly to your teeth and are so discreet even you will forget about wearing them! If you don’t want a fixed option, like the one mentioned right after, either Invisalign or Smilelign will work like a charm for you!

               2. 6 Month Braces

Lingual Braces or 6 Month Braces are ideal for those that don’t want removable aligners. They are hardly noticeable, plus you don’t need to worry about taking them in or out when eating and drinking, which makes them quite appealing to many of our patients.

Regardless of which treatment you choose, you will get guaranteed discretion as you wear your braces to close your front teeth gap, and excellent results within a limited time.

How much time does it take to close your front teeth gaps?

Minor spaces are usually closed in as little as 3 months while bigger spaces may need a bit more than that. At this point, please note that, like any other braces treatment, you will need to wear retainers to help your teeth maintain their new position and prevent relapse. Also, a great idea is to have your teeth whitene, at the end of your treatment! That way, you can achieve an amazing and long-lasting result that turn heads!

The days you felt sad for your front-teeth gaps are long gone. Straight Teeth Suite in Loughborough has the solutions for you that guarantee full success and a breath-taking result. Just contact us and be prepared to enjoy your new wide healthy white smiles!