Can Wisdom Teeth Make the Front Teeth Move?

Posted on: August 21st, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

One of the most common prevailing concepts regarding wisdom teeth is that they push the teeth in front of them, causing them to crowd. This was firmly believed for quite some time, which is why many orthodontists, general dentists, and oral surgeons recommended the removal of wisdom teeth, in order to safeguard against teeth crowding, especially after an orthodontic treatment. However, this preventive measure is no longer required, and teeth crowding has little to do with the existence of wisdom teeth.

There is a wealth of documented evidence that disapprove the theory that wisdom teeth can have any effect on the movement of the teeth, thus cause crowding. They simply cannot exert the pressure demanded to do that. Studies have shown that, regardless of the presence of wisdom teeth, teeth will drift forward naturally, throughout life. Over the years, teeth move slightly forward, and the distance between the lower canines gets narrower. This can occur even if you have had your wisdom teeth removed.

Why Do Teeth Get Crowded?

Modern research has revealed that teeth crowding can be inherited or it can be the outcome of particular habits, such as thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, and mouth breathing, among others. It could also be attributed to late tooth loss or injury. Of the many reasons that lead to incorrect jaw development (and, consequently, to improper facial and dental development), nothing has to do with phenomena caused by wisdom teeth.

As per what affects the development of teeth crowding, it seems that there are several factors that play a significant role and are associated with the:

  • Tooth Size
  • Tooth Shape
  • Original Position of the Teeth.
  • Soft Tissue Pressures that change from lip and tongue posture.

Here at Straight Teeth Suite in Nottingham, we see many adults that come to our practice, who had relatively straight teeth when they were younger, to correct new crowding that has occurred, mainly in their lower teeth. Although the exact mechanisms that such a thing occurs are not yet fully understood, wisdom teeth are usually not related, at least not directly.

Should Wisdom Teeth be Extracted?

There is no evidence dictating the extraction of wisdom teeth unless they are impacted and have no room to erupt correctly. Also, it is wise to remove wisdom teeth if they cause dental problems, such as tooth decay (when it’s difficult to brush and floss properly), pericoronitis (infection that occurs around the lower 3rd molars that have been partially erupted),  cysts around the impacted 3rd molar, tissue and bone defects behind the 2nd molars, and root resorption of 2nd molars. Of course, your dentist will assess your case and decide whether wisdom teeth removal is necessary or not.

Important Note: To prevent teeth from moving, it is crucial you wear a retainer after the completion of an orthodontic treatment to help keep your teeth straight. Wear them as instructed and your teeth will not move a bit, regardless of the presence of wisdom teeth.

Have more questions about tooth crowding, wisdom teeth extraction, or any other dental-related issue? Book your first FREE consultation here or get your FREE Straight Teeth Guide to get some first answers quickly!

Are braces only for straightening teeth?

Posted on: April 17th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Dental braces can give you the cosmetic results you have always desired, but did you know they have many other benefits for your overall health and wellbeing? While it is true that many patients cite appearance when choosing to invest in dental braces, there are myriad other health-related reasons why you should invest in this treatment.

Here is a brief overview of the most common medical and physical reasons people elect to straighten their teeth in Loughborough – do you recognise any of your own concerns below?

Reason 1: Crowded or crooked teeth leading to decay

If your teeth are very crowded and /or crooked, it can be a challenge to keep them clean. A crooked alignment to your teeth can make effective brushing and flossing nearly impossible, and this poor oral hygiene can lead to serious health risks, including the development of caries (cavities), increased rates of gum disease and even the potential for abscessed sores in your mouth.



In the worst-case scenarios, this has led to patients requiring extractions and needing to replace their natural teeth with a set of dentures. While dental implants and dentures are nothing to be ashamed of, you can often avoid these drastic and expensive measures if thorough dental hygiene is made possible with dental braces.

Reason 2: Bite issues and misaligned jaw

If you suffer from pain, stress and tension in your jaw and up through to your temples and skull, the problem often originates in the misalignment of your teeth. If your bite is not aligned correctly, unnecessary wear on one side of your jaw can result in permanent damage and great pain, grinding issues and stress with your entire mandibular system. These problems can often be addressed or minimised with corrective dental braces.



Reason 3: Inability to chew food correctly and efficiently

When one part of your body is off kilter, the ill effects can spread through all of your vital organs and bodily systems. Your mouth and teeth are just two part of your entire digestive system, the series of functions that nourish and replenish the fuel you need to survive. If your teeth are not correctly aligned, you can have difficulties chewing your food properly, and this can in turn affect your stomach, intestines and other internal organs, leaving your improperly nourished and doing damage to your soft tissues.



Reason 4: To reduce the risk of dental trauma

Protruding or crooked teeth can put you at a higher risk of dental trauma when playing sports or in the case of an accidental contact injury. Having these misalignments and protrusions corrected with dental braces will greatly reduce these risks.



From the list above it is easy to see that the attraction of a natural looking, correctly aligned smile is only one aspect of the decision to straighten your teeth. If any of the above maladies or threats sound familiar to you, then it is best to act as quickly as possible and begin mitigating your risk for dental trauma, tooth decay or poor nutrition. If you are wondering what you can do to improve your dental health, speak to someone in person about your options, give the team at Straight Teeth Suite in Loughborough an email or a call today.

Understanding Orthodontic Treatment for Children Part 1: Materials, Costs and Check Ups

Posted on: November 12th, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments


Orthodontic treatment for children has been done for many, many decades. Treatment is very safe, and it’s very important. Ideally, everyone who has crooked teeth, or misaligned teeth should have treatment in those early years, or as teenagers, in order to improve the bite.

It is easier to treat a growing child. The gums are stronger. The teeth are stronger. Everything happens more predictably.

In this two part series we will answer the most frequently asked questions we get from parents considering orthodontic treatment for their children.

What materials do we use?

Here at the Straight Teeth Suite, we tend to fit conventional types of braces on children who have lost their baby teeth because what we want to do is not just improve the appearance of the teeth, but also to correct the bite, or encourage a positive bite.

The majority of our child patients will have either a metal or tooth coloured fixed brace. Most of the time we tend to opt for metal.

A metal brace consists of metal wire and elastics that hold the wire in place. It will also consist of elastics to hook top teeth to bottom ones to improve or correct the bite.

How much would it cost?

Depending on what type of brackets we use, it can be as little as £1,800, or up to £3,000 – £3,500. Obviously, if we decide to go for a ceramic option, it may be a little bit more, but on average, it’s between these two prices.

Results can last for life, as long as your child also wears a retainer. This keeps the teeth straight, and otherwise your teeth will move back to their original position.

Unfortunately there are a lot of adults who had braces when they were children, but as they never wore retainers, they have to go through the treatment all over again. Understanding the importance of retainers from a young age, can be the key in avoiding the treatment a second time around later in life, and incurring another cost.

How often would I need to see the dentist?

With conventional braces for children, we tend to review your child every 6 to 8 weeks, and then approximately every 4 weeks as we get closer to the end of the treatment.

Is the treatment painful?

It can be uncomfortable in the first few weeks, because there will be new pressure on the teeth, and there can be rubbing from the brackets, but it does get easier over time.

Some children cope better than others, and of course, as long as they get regular reassurance then it becomes much easier for the child to deal with. Additional help such as keeping wax for the brackets, and maybe painkillers for the first few days, can also make a big difference.

In Part 2 of this series we will be discussing the importance of early treatment and whether braces are the right treatment for your child.

Contact us HERE and book your FREE consultation to discuss your child’s options in full!

4 Things Every Mother Should Do Before Choosing an Orthodontist in Nottingham

Posted on: July 20th, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments

Misaligned teeth and jaws used to be a challenging task to deal with in the past. However, with the latest advances in dentistry, and breakthroughs that no one could have ever imagined a few decades ago, most oral issues are easily treated. What used to be a long and tedious process is now computer-designed and significantly shortened in treatment time, allowing children and teenagers to acquire a bright and straight smile without the use of metal braces and non-aesthetically pleasing headgear. Also, pain has given its place to nervous-free orthodontic treatments and effective pain management.

That said, can you trust just about everybody with your child’s braces? What should every mom know before deciding which orthodontist will treat her child’s mouth? Here are the 4 major points you need to focus on, to make the wisest of decisions:

  1. Don’t Opt for the First Assessment you are Made

Knowledge is power, and the more you know about treatment options, the better placed your decision will be. For that reason, it is proposed not to stick to the initial assessment. They are, sometimes, wrong. To stay on the safe side, better ask for a second opinion. This should give you more knowledge and a more judgmental mind considering the first diagnosis and its accuracy. You will also understand whether your child is indeed in need of an orthodontic treatment and if the time is right to start one.

  1. Get Advice from Orthodontic Specialists

Did you know that millions of people in the UK and across the world go undiagnosed with serious jaw and tooth alignment problems because they never consulted an experienced orthodontic specialist? The result is to have severe jaw joint issues and tooth wear later on in their lives that require more expensive treatments than the ones that should/could have been delivered at an earlier age. To avoid that, you can find the right doctors and get their advice. Maybe your child has biting issues (malocclusion) or other problems that could escalate into a more critical condition in the future. Wouldn’t you want to know beforehand so you can intervene and prevent it? That’s why you need to speak to orthodontists with many years of experience and advanced training in jaw & tooth alignment to develop the most suited treatment plan for your child.

  1. Ask the Right Questions

– Is the doctor a specialist?

– When is the best time to start a treatment?

– How soon should my child be evaluated to rule out possible problems?

– Do I pay for the first visit?

– Am I paying extra for the retainers?

– What are the differences between treatment options (Lingual, Invisalign, etc.)?

– Are emergency appointments charged extra or included in the quoted fee?

– Are there any payment options?

– Do the orthodontist and staff at the clinic make my child feel special?

These are some of the important things you need to know about, to familiarise yourself with the nature of your child’s jaw and tooth alignment issues and be more able to understand the approach suggested.

  1. Book a Consultation

To make a confident decision, you have to visit the clinic in person. During that visit, you will not only be able to get clarifications to the burning questions you have in mind, but also take a good look around to see if the practice is comfortable, clean and infuses serenity and professionalism. You will also be able to tell whether the orthodontist is fully engaged in conversation with your child and you, or if you are rushed, among so many others. If you are happy with everything, you can then say you have found the perfect specialist for your child. Just trust your mommy instinct on this one; it is never wrong!

Finding the right doctor to allow your child to acquire a lovely straight smile in a timely manner while setting the foundation for an excellent oral health is paramount. At Straight Teeth Smile in Nottingham, you will get the exceptional care you want for your child and feel our innate passion and deep love for what we do right away.


Contact us NOW to book your first FREE consultation, where we will discuss all about the significance of oral hygiene and health and develop a fully optimised plan for your child’s confident and healthy smile!  


How do you know if your child needs braces, in Loughborough ?

Posted on: May 5th, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments

Every day, many of the patients we meet ask whether their child needs braces or not. The majority of these parents anxiously want a straightforward answer of either “YES” or “NO”. Of course, although the question seems clear-cut, the answer is more challenging that you might have imagined, given the numerous things we have to consider, assess, and evaluate before we reach a confident decision. However, we completely understand your concern as a parent, and here you can find all the information you will need to decide whether you should be seeking an orthodontist’s help or not.

So, what can you, as a parent, do to know if your child needs braces?

Look for the signs.

What does this mean? Let’s take first things first.

Your child should start seeing a dentist the moment their first baby tooth erupts, which is usually between their first 6 months and up to age one. With regular visits to the dentist, your dentist (and consequently, you) will know when it is time for a full or minor intervention for braces, even when not all baby teeth have fallen yet. Some problems are best treated the earliest possible, but others call for our patience and a wait-and-see approach. This means that we may have to treat a child between 6-9 or wait until their late teens.

The signs that reveal a child will most likely benefit from braces include:

  • Irregular, early, or late loss of baby teeth
  • Blocked-out teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Misplaced teeth
  • Biting of the roof of the mouth
  • Biting of the cheek
  • Teeth that don’t meet or meet abnormally
  • Teeth and jaws disproportionate to the rest of the face
  • Shifting jaws of jaws that make sounds


Other than, your child may require braces if they have biting issues.

The problems classified as a bad bite are as followed:

  • Having extra teeth
  • Missing teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • An underbite or an overbites
  • Incorrect position of the jaw


What is the best age for my child to be evaluated for orthodontic care?

The evaluation of your child’s teeth and jaw, as well as the treatment of bite-related problems, can start at various stages of dental development, and it always depends on the case and the child’s growth. Also, your orthodontist will weigh the benefits and risks of treatment or not treating. Some children may benefit from an orthodontic intervention from a young age (6-7 years old), but orthodontic treatments usually begin between the ages 9-14 because the children are still growing and have some (at least) permanent teeth. Consult your pediatric or general dentist to help you determine the ideal time for evaluation and treatment.

Why do children need braces?

The majority of orthodontic issues are genetic, which means that children inherit having too much space between teeth, missing teeth, extra teeth, protruding upper teeth, and so on. Some other problems develop because of certain habits, such as thumb-sucking, dental decay, breathing through the mouth, and poor nutrition, to name a few. Or, it could be because there is not sufficient room in the laws for the teeth, which makes the jaws not line up properly or the teeth become crooked or crowded.


If you are still unsure whether your child needs braces or not, don’t hold yourself back from contacting Straight Teeth Suite in Loughborough and asking for our advice and help. Book a consultation for FREE and we will be more than willing and happy to clear everything out for you, evaluate your child’s case, and provide you with the best solutions possible so that you child enjoys a lovely, straight smile the soonest possible.


How to get braces in Leicester

Posted on: June 16th, 2014 by freshadmin No Comments

If you think that braces are only for adolescents during their school years, then think again! In fact, getting braces while in your adulthood is something very common, nowadays. Numbers speak for themselves: 20% of those wearing braces today are adults! Especially after the innovative options that open the doors for less visible braces, having straight teeth is not only a matter of the youngsters and the teens.

Why do I need braces? Available Options.

First and foremost, at some point, you may find out that your once beautiful straight teeth have shifted. Having crooked teeth is the outcome of a condition called tongue thrust, which is a type of injury very common among adults. The teeth’s natural growth can also cause overcrowding in your mouth that directly (and in many cases severely) affects your smile. When this happens, you may start experiencing pain in your jaw, while cleaning your teeth will most likely send chills down your spine.

In order to address this problem, you can either go for Invisalign or ceramic braces. However, your orthodontist will be the one to make the calls and decide which types of braces are the best braces for you, after making an assessment of your case. For that reason, you need someone you can trust; someone with a solid reputation and excellent reviews. You need Straight Teeth Suite, in Leicester!

It is a treatment that can last from as little as 3 months. Many factors determine the total treatment time, such as the type of chosen treatment, and the patient’s condition.

Where do I start?

Here are some important steps that will take you exactly where you want!

Step 1: Request your Straight Teeth Suite Guide. Another gift for you offered for free! See for your own eyes cases of customers that were in your shoes a while ago. See how we have managed to transform their crooked teeth into fabulous straight teeth!

Step 2: Begin the journey to braces, by booking your free consultation at our suite, located in Leicester; a special offer by Straight Teeth Suite, only for you! Our dental experts will answer all your queries and advise you as per the ways you can get your ideal smile back. Your satisfaction is our reward and we will bend over backwards to give you what you have always wanted: straight teeth and boosted self-confidence that springs from your attractive smile!

Step 3: Make an appointment and initiate the process of wearing braces. You and your orthodontist will have a detailed discussion, in regards your dental needs. Afterwards an assessment will follow, where you will be asked to get your teeth and jaws examined and then run a series of tests, such as x-rays, a teeth impression, and photographs. A teeth-impression is one of the easiest and painless procedures ever. You will only bite into a mould that is filled with special dental putty. An impression of your teeth is imprinted on the mould, as soon as you open your mouth again!

Step 4: You get a thorough examination of your gums and teeth, to unveil any problems whatsoever, including periodontal disease and decay, which are both serious conditions that need immediate attention and treatment before you start any other procedures.

Step 5: This is the stage where you wear your braces. Their placement is fast, and is completely painless, although procedures may vary, depending on the type of braces you and your orthodontist have decided to use.

Step 6: So, you are wearing your new braces! Well done! Now, you only set frequent 20-minute appointments (every 4-6 weeks), just to make sure everything goes as planned, or make any necessary adjustments that your orthodontist considers important, such as adjusting your braces, so your teeth are pulled to the right direction at all times. It is a crucial stage of your teeth-straightening process, and if you fail to follow-up, you slow down your own progress. This will eventually make you wear the braces for much longer than initially planned.

Step 7: This is the best part! If everything has gone clockwise, you are about to have your braces removed! Again, through a painless and simple process. Removable orthodontic appliances, called retainers, will then be provided so you can sail through the last phase of your orthodontic treatment. Since teeth are usually unstable right after braces are removed, they tend to get back to their initial position (before the braces). In order to avoid this unwanted situation, retainers are used, so the treatment is completed successfully.

If life is all about moments of joy, then you will, hopefully, have lots of smiling moments from now on!

Affordable braces for teenagers in the Midlands

Posted on: March 17th, 2014 by freshadmin No Comments

You see them first thing in the morning and last thing at night, every time you check the mirror, so it’s no wonder that we all want healthy beaming smiles and getting dental braces during childhood or teenage years helps achieve exactly that. There are various reasons people choose braces during their younger years but making the right choice early on, for you or your child, can lead to many benefits including appearance, comfort, strength and health, and similarly there are numerous aspects to the process.

Orthodontists can seem scary places for children but the modern reality is the complete opposite. Whatever the age group dental braces, in essence, are designed to aid an orthodontist in their primary aim of correcting various abnormal bites, known as malocclusions. Nothing more and nothing less. The specific type of braces needed for each patient varies in relation to the type of malocclusion present, which can include overbites, crowded teeth and gapped teeth, and can also change with the severity of each condition. The variety of scenarios present can be confusing but choosing the best and most affordable dental option for your son or daughter is easily achievable.

The process involved is one of patience and pressure. The latter is a factor as dental braces gradually apply pressure to teeth moving them slowly into correct positions as the weeks and months go by. These successful results are achieved using archwire, ligature ties and tiny brackets which are glued onto the front of each separate tooth. Although each child is different these metal braces are a particularly popular choice. Gone are the days when teenagers had to be embarrassed by large metallic braces. The metal braces now on offer are considered reasonably priced, the most traditional type of braces on the market and the ligature ties, a form of rubber band, used in metal braces come in variety of colours providing kids with the fun option of choosing their favourite.

Patience is the other defining factor as, no matter what type of dental braces you choose, an orthodontic treatment plan will always consist of three distinct stages: pretreatment, active treatment and retention. Although the journey can be long and trying, for any child, the Straight Teeth Suite offers experience and excellence in all stages. Pretreatment involves a diagnosis of your situation and what is needed to correct the problem. Active treatment is simply the term used to define your time wearing the braces selected. In some cases this can last up to 24 months but the timeframe varies patient to patient and child may need less time than adults. Retention is the final stage, when your braces come off, to ensure your teeth not to move back and stay straight.

Despite the combination of pressure, patience and increasingly successful new technologies involved the process still hinges on the experience and technique of the orthodontist treating your child. The Straight Teeth Suite understands this fact and bases all its treatment around the expertise of its orthodontists. Smaller, less noticeable, brackets are of course advantageous for children and teenagers but the reality is that your orthodontist is still the most important variable as they control the entire procedure from start to finish. This comfortable, professional atmosphere means children get the best dental care at the various suites located in Nottingham, Leicester and Loughborough.

There are many factors and variables for you and your children to consider when deciding on braces and orthodontic treatment but the one consistent is that the process will only be a success with the expertise and guidance of a fully qualified dentist or orthodontist. Initial fears will always subside and investing in straight teeth is something that continues to reward as the years go by. Wearing metal braces can be a challenge but it’s worth both the effort and patience. Before you know it you’ll see your child’s smile beaming even brighter than before!

If you would like more information on children’s dental plans, orthodontic treatment or dental braces we welcome all emails via: or you can call today for a free consultation on the following number: 0115 832 0204