Orthodontics: More than Aesthetics. It is a matter of Health.

Posted on: November 5th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

The benefits of having straight teeth are not limited only to the aesthetics you get from a beautiful smile. Properly aligned teeth also have enormous dental health effects, according to the American Dental Association.

With properly aligned teeth, you can clean your teeth much easier than if they were crooked, since you have fewer areas that your toothbrush bristles cannot reach. With straight teeth, flossing is also made easier because it is much easier to remove all food debris from the teeth, when they are properly spaced.

When teeth are crowded, food particles are provided with an ideal hiding place, and when food debris remains, bacteria find fertile grounds to reproduce and cause dental health problems. In fact, food particles can turn into plaque and eventually tartar, which is not only hard to remove, but can also cause periodontal disease. It usually takes up to 48 hours for plaque to start form and build up to your teeth, and it won’t be long (a couple of weeks) before it turns into tartar. Plaque removal in crowded teeth is much harder to remove, even if you brush regularly.

Since it is not easy to clean crowded and crooked teeth, they tend to develop cavities. Other than that, when your gums are in such close contact with bacteria, things are not good. The areas between your teeth and gums get infected by an inflammation called gingivitis, and in turns to periodontitis, which is a serious condition that affects the connective tissues and your gums. In some cases, periodontitis can even affect that jaw bone that surrounds the teeth. Of course, in advanced levels, periodontitis may lead to tooth loss. Finally, if periodontitis becomes a chronic condition, it is evidenced that it can lead to other serious health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

In order to avoid excessive wear, it is best if all biting/chewing is done with lined up teeth (both with each other and top to bottom). Misaligned bite can force your teeth to experience elevated stress, which affects their lifespan and their health. Not properly straightened teeth may also cause chronic jaw pain.

Undoubtedly, a major reason people get their teeth straightened is to have a lovely smile and feel good about it. In other words, teeth straightening treatments help people of all ages on a psychological or emotional level. For some people, it is difficult to smile or laugh (not to mention having their photograph taken) when their teeth are crowded or crooked. With teeth aligning, it all ends.

Impressions are everything to a lot of people. A survey conducted recently, has shown that 50% of 1,000 Americans asked, believed that having crowded or crooked teeth ruins the overall beauty of one’s face and makes a poor impression. Although people can never be judged by the straightness of their teeth, perfectly aligned teeth definitely steal impressions!

No matter what the reason, beauty or health (or even better, both!), trust your teeth straightening treatment to professionals, such as STRAIGHT TEETH SUITE, in the East Midlands with clinics in Nottingham, Leicester and Loughborough, so you do not only boost your self-confidence with perfectly aligned teeth, and amaze with your gorgeous smile, but also be sure you have taken good care of your precious health too.


Can Wisdom Teeth Make the Front Teeth Move?

Posted on: August 21st, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

One of the most common prevailing concepts regarding wisdom teeth is that they push the teeth in front of them, causing them to crowd. This was firmly believed for quite some time, which is why many orthodontists, general dentists, and oral surgeons recommended the removal of wisdom teeth, in order to safeguard against teeth crowding, especially after an orthodontic treatment. However, this preventive measure is no longer required, and teeth crowding has little to do with the existence of wisdom teeth.

There is a wealth of documented evidence that disapprove the theory that wisdom teeth can have any effect on the movement of the teeth, thus cause crowding. They simply cannot exert the pressure demanded to do that. Studies have shown that, regardless of the presence of wisdom teeth, teeth will drift forward naturally, throughout life. Over the years, teeth move slightly forward, and the distance between the lower canines gets narrower. This can occur even if you have had your wisdom teeth removed.

Why Do Teeth Get Crowded?

Modern research has revealed that teeth crowding can be inherited or it can be the outcome of particular habits, such as thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, and mouth breathing, among others. It could also be attributed to late tooth loss or injury. Of the many reasons that lead to incorrect jaw development (and, consequently, to improper facial and dental development), nothing has to do with phenomena caused by wisdom teeth.

As per what affects the development of teeth crowding, it seems that there are several factors that play a significant role and are associated with the:

  • Tooth Size
  • Tooth Shape
  • Original Position of the Teeth.
  • Soft Tissue Pressures that change from lip and tongue posture.

Here at Straight Teeth Suite in Nottingham, we see many adults that come to our practice, who had relatively straight teeth when they were younger, to correct new crowding that has occurred, mainly in their lower teeth. Although the exact mechanisms that such a thing occurs are not yet fully understood, wisdom teeth are usually not related, at least not directly.

Should Wisdom Teeth be Extracted?

There is no evidence dictating the extraction of wisdom teeth unless they are impacted and have no room to erupt correctly. Also, it is wise to remove wisdom teeth if they cause dental problems, such as tooth decay (when it’s difficult to brush and floss properly), pericoronitis (infection that occurs around the lower 3rd molars that have been partially erupted),  cysts around the impacted 3rd molar, tissue and bone defects behind the 2nd molars, and root resorption of 2nd molars. Of course, your dentist will assess your case and decide whether wisdom teeth removal is necessary or not.

Important Note: To prevent teeth from moving, it is crucial you wear a retainer after the completion of an orthodontic treatment to help keep your teeth straight. Wear them as instructed and your teeth will not move a bit, regardless of the presence of wisdom teeth.

Have more questions about tooth crowding, wisdom teeth extraction, or any other dental-related issue? Book your first FREE consultation here or get your FREE Straight Teeth Guide to get some first answers quickly!

How long can a teeth straightening treatment take?

Posted on: June 5th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Misaligned teeth can make you smile less and undermine your confidence, affecting your social and personal life. Fortunately, you now have more orthodontic teeth straightening options available than ever before to bring your smile back and perfectly align your teeth. If you are wondering about the overall duration of a given teeth straightening treatment, we must say that there is no straightforward answer. Each case is different and only when we have assessed and evaluated each case separately will we be able to set the desired time frame for the completion (and type) of the treatment a patient will have to undergo. To help you understand what can affect the duration of an orthodontic treatment, here is a small guide with some useful information.

What is Teeth Crowding and What Should I Know about it?

Teeth crowding or malocclusion is an irregularity of the jaws (upper or lower, or even both) or the teeth relationship. Teeth crowding is a complex and multifactorial subject, whose nature is classified under dental, skeletal, and soft tissue. All three of them interplay and result in a broad array of teeth crowding severity.

The dental causes include:

  • The Position of the Teeth
  • Extra/Missing Teeth
  • Incompatible Tooth Size
  • Permanent Teeth whose Eruption has been Disrupted.

The skeletal causes include a varied growth of the jaws (either one of them or both) while the soft tissue causes include lower lips, among others. Also, tooth crowding can be inherited, or it could be attributed to development disorders, such as hypothyroidism and Down’s Syndrome, to name a few.

As you can see, tooth crowding can occur due to numerous reasons that have to be carefully and thoroughly evaluated before recommending an orthodontic teeth straightening treatment. Of course, just the fact that someone has malocclusion does not necessarily mean they will benefit, either functionally or aesthetically, from undergoing treatment. Whether orthodontic intervention should be considered for an individual (that is if they make a suited candidate) is another issue that also has to be assessed.

Get Fully Informed

Just as we want to carry out a full assessment of a case, we want you to be as educated about the available options as possible. For that reason, we provide you with not only one but five different teeth straightening solutions to choose the one that best meets your needs and requirements. Making an informed choice regarding your orthodontic treatment is paramount to us, so don’t be surprised if we show you several before and after examples of our options and a 3D simulation that will allow you to visually see the final result before you even start a treatment! For your reference, you can have from invisible braces that go completely undetected and clear braces to braces with shorter treatment times and less discomfort.

Back to the initial question, a teeth-straightening treatment at Straight Teeth Suite in Loughborough can take from 2 months and up to 2 years, always depending on the case. Needless to say, each treatment is strictly personalised and will not exceed the 2-year upper limit for any reason whatsoever.

To get a better idea of the teeth straightening options available, feel free to book your first straight Teeth consultation for FREE or download your FREE Straight Teeth Guide here and claim the smile of your dreams!

Are braces only for straightening teeth?

Posted on: April 17th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Dental braces can give you the cosmetic results you have always desired, but did you know they have many other benefits for your overall health and wellbeing? While it is true that many patients cite appearance when choosing to invest in dental braces, there are myriad other health-related reasons why you should invest in this treatment.

Here is a brief overview of the most common medical and physical reasons people elect to straighten their teeth in Loughborough – do you recognise any of your own concerns below?

Reason 1: Crowded or crooked teeth leading to decay

If your teeth are very crowded and /or crooked, it can be a challenge to keep them clean. A crooked alignment to your teeth can make effective brushing and flossing nearly impossible, and this poor oral hygiene can lead to serious health risks, including the development of caries (cavities), increased rates of gum disease and even the potential for abscessed sores in your mouth.



In the worst-case scenarios, this has led to patients requiring extractions and needing to replace their natural teeth with a set of dentures. While dental implants and dentures are nothing to be ashamed of, you can often avoid these drastic and expensive measures if thorough dental hygiene is made possible with dental braces.

Reason 2: Bite issues and misaligned jaw

If you suffer from pain, stress and tension in your jaw and up through to your temples and skull, the problem often originates in the misalignment of your teeth. If your bite is not aligned correctly, unnecessary wear on one side of your jaw can result in permanent damage and great pain, grinding issues and stress with your entire mandibular system. These problems can often be addressed or minimised with corrective dental braces.



Reason 3: Inability to chew food correctly and efficiently

When one part of your body is off kilter, the ill effects can spread through all of your vital organs and bodily systems. Your mouth and teeth are just two part of your entire digestive system, the series of functions that nourish and replenish the fuel you need to survive. If your teeth are not correctly aligned, you can have difficulties chewing your food properly, and this can in turn affect your stomach, intestines and other internal organs, leaving your improperly nourished and doing damage to your soft tissues.



Reason 4: To reduce the risk of dental trauma

Protruding or crooked teeth can put you at a higher risk of dental trauma when playing sports or in the case of an accidental contact injury. Having these misalignments and protrusions corrected with dental braces will greatly reduce these risks.



From the list above it is easy to see that the attraction of a natural looking, correctly aligned smile is only one aspect of the decision to straighten your teeth. If any of the above maladies or threats sound familiar to you, then it is best to act as quickly as possible and begin mitigating your risk for dental trauma, tooth decay or poor nutrition. If you are wondering what you can do to improve your dental health, speak to someone in person about your options, give the team at Straight Teeth Suite in Loughborough an email or a call today.

What To Expect During a Teeth Straightening Consultation?

Posted on: February 13th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Your initial consultation is specifically designed to have your needs met, and queries answered. At the Straight Teeth Suite, we like to sit down with you and discuss your general dental health and hear all about your thoughts on the future of your mouth. This consultation is your opportunity to share your vision per your dream smile with us and see what we can do to achieve that. Acquiring a beautiful smile, but most importantly maintaining it in mint condition is paramount to your overall health, considering all the adverse conditions that can occur due to neglected oral health. That aside, a good set of pearly whites is definitely a confidence-booster and gives a sense of well-being. This makes our goal at Straight Teeth Suite a noble one, which is why we always go above and beyond the typical first-consultation services.

Standard Procedure

Phase #1: Assess your Oral Condition

The first thing we do when you come in for your first consultation is look at your dental condition. Are your teeth positioned in an aesthetic way? Is your bite function correct? Do you have trouble eating? Are you happy with the shape and colour of your teeth? All these factors will be carefully assessed before we move on to the next phase.

Phase #2: Determine whether Braces (and which braces) are the Perfect Option

Will you REALLY benefit from orthodontics? That’s our main concern. No matter the case, we need to see if braces is the right option for you. You could be a perfect candidate for Invisible or Invisalign braces rather than any other treatment that you may had in your mind. You may need orthodontic treatment for your front teeth only. Maybe you had undergone teeth straightening at an early age and have seen your teeth move again over time. Did you know that you may have your teeth perfectly aligned in 6 just months, providing you meet requirements? Or do you prefer lingual braces that are totally unseen, offering utmost discretion?  To learn more about it, take the Straight Teeth Test, here!

If you decide that braces are not the way to go, you may have other options to allow you to meet your goals, and we will be more than happy to present and discuss them to you.

Since we have a wide range of orthodontic appliances, this is generally a good non-invasive way to start. You talk through options and possibilities with the dentist and decide if braces are a viable treatment option for you. Most of the times, braces are the least expensive investment because you can correct precisely what you don’t like, get them whitened, and you are set for a long time!

Phase #3: Provide Options & Educate 

Your smile makeover is a huge deal and should be approached with sensitivity and care. In respect to your needs and goals, we provide you with all the answers you need to make an informed decision regarding your smile. If there are any dental problems, you will know of them instantly. We want to be absolutely certain that the suggested orthodontic treatment is indeed the right for you.

By the time you leave our clinic, you will know things about cosmetic dentistry procedures that will help you make up your mind.


Want a taste of what is being described? Why not book your first complimentary consultation and get a step closer to the smile of your dreams NOW?

A Removable Solution for a Straighter Smile in Loughborough. Your guide to the Inman Aligner, part three

Posted on: September 11th, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments


As you’ve seen in part 1 and part 2 to Your Guide To the Inman Aligner blog series, the Straight Teeth Suite are committed to working together with you to find the most suitable treatment for your dental issue and lifestyle. If you feel that there are still a few questions left unanswered before you arrange your initial consultation in Loughborough, read on for some more comprehensive answers from the team

If I have had braces in the past but my teeth have shifted again, am I still able to have an Inman Aligner?

In the few cases where previous braces have not worked, it’s only natural that you will want to rectify this issue once and for all. If it’s only the front four teeth that have moved, you would be a perfect candidate for an Inman Aligner – it doesn’t matter how successful or unsuccessful your past treatments may have been, if the team feel like they can treat you then you will have the same access as anyone to the procedure.

Will I need a retainer?

Regardless of the dental treatment you receive, you will still need to use retainers for the rest of your life in order to keep your teeth straight. People of all ages that have used any one type have brace at some stage in their life all find themselves in the same position, so it’s nothing to worry about.

Can I get Inman Aligners at the same time as an expander?

This will depend on the specifics of your case, but it’s more than likely that this will be perfectly fine. If the team feel that your teeth need to be expanded slightly in order bring them forward a bit, or just to make some more space within your mouth, then you would be perfectly able to have an expander included with your treatment.

Will my wisdom teeth affect Inman Aligner treatments?

It’s actually a common misconception that wisdom teeth are the root cause of crowding of the front teeth. A lot of research has been carried out to disprove this theory, which means that they would not affect your treatment. If you’re experiencing discomfort with your wisdom teeth, we advise that a separate treatment plan is taken.

Does an Inman Aligner require good molars?

In a nutshell, having good molars is not a prerequisite when it comes to being eligible for the Inman Aligner. There are ways around not having them – for example, the team may be able to attach the little hooks on the aligner onto your back teeth, meaning they would only need access to your premolars. This is something that would be assessed at your initial consultation.

Can it straighten my canines?

Unfortunately not, as it only works on the front four teeth – the team would instead offer you an alternative way to move forward once they had assessed the issue.

Can I use an Inman Aligner if I have a missing tooth?

Again, this is something that is case dependent – it really comes down to what tooth or teeth are missing before the team could provide relevant feedback.

Would it be able to close the gap from thumb sucking?

The severity of the damage would have to be assessed before the team would be able to recommend an aligner. If the top two teeth are pushed quite far forward and you want them to be pushed back, it’s a very distinct possibility. However, it has been the case a conventional brace is more appropriate due to the level of damage that has been done.

Can an Inman Aligner correct overlaps?

This particular treatment is actually extremely effective to treat overlaps. The team have treated a number of cases involving them, many of which you are able to see on the website. When the front teeth are crooked, or if the lower bite is crowded, this type of aligner would be one of the first treatments that the team would recommend.

Would the aligner be able to correct protruding teeth?

The Inman Aligner is fantastic at treating this kind of problem. The average case is around 12 to 16 weeks, but it’s hugely effective in tackling the issue – more than worth the slightly longer treatment programme.

What about front teeth with gaps?

It is possible for us to treat this kind of issue with an Inman Aligner, but it is very case specific. In some instances, the team may wish to implement clear aligners to finish off the treatment cycle following the use of the Inman. You would be keep informed with all developments, and be able to discuss with the team what ways of treating the issue you would be most comfortable with, making the whole process easier for all parties.

If the use of an Inman Aligner sounds like something that would help your smile reach its full potential, make sure you contact one of the Loughborough-based team at the Straight Teeth Suite. With professional help and guidance readily available before all treatments, it’s the easiest way to take that difficult first step towards a happier you. If there’s still questions you need answering, read Part 4 of this guide for further help with your queries.

Will Lingual Braces Work for me in Loughborough ?

Posted on: May 18th, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments

Wondering whether you are a suitable candidate for lingual braces? You are not alone. Many patients come to our practice in Loughborough and ask us the exact same thing. Considering the appeal this treatment has to teenagers and adults, it is no surprise so many people want to know more about it. Of the many things said and written, not everything is accurate. So, here is a brief overview to help clear the air! Of course, your dentist* (please see the note below) is the one responsible for determining which teeth straightening treatment is bet for you, but let’s go over some basics before you visit one!

As a general rule, just remember that if you can be treated with traditional braces, chances are you are also suited to lingual braces.

What cases do lingual braces treat?

Lingual braces are ideal for correcting numerous issues, from very minor to more severe related to the misalignment of the bite and teeth. So, if you have such issues, you will find an effective orthodontic treatment with lingual braces.

Also, lingual braces are used to treat malocclusions, such as crossbites, underbites, and overbites, as well as crooked, crowded, and gappy teeth. In detail:

  • Overcrowding occurs when all the teeth don’t have enough room to fit normally.
  • Any extra spaces within the jaw lead to widely spaced teeth or gappy teeth.
  • When you have a misaligned upper and lower jaw, you are having cross bites, which means that one or more upper teeth bite on the inside of the lower teeth, either to the side or the front of the mouth.
  • Deep bite is when the upper teeth overlap with the lower ones to a significant degree.
  • Finally, underbites occur when you have protruding front teeth. This is because the upper jaw undergrows for some reason, or the lower jaw overgrows (maybe even both).

What ages are ideal for lingual braces?

Typically, adult patients feel strongly about lingual braces, mainly because they appreciate the fact that they have been provided with a way to develop a great smile and correct their bite issues without compromising their appearance. Their smile improves quickly, without anyone knowing they are under an orthodontic treatment. However, an increasing number of teens and preteens also find lingual braces to be indispensable for the same reasons. They just love wearing braces that don’t obscure their teeth and not feeling self-conscious about their appearance. And, we all know how challenging the school environment can be.

Therefore, if you are an adult, professional, or have a teenage child and having a discreet orthodontic treatment is not enough, lingual braces are the best option. They are not only confidence boosters because they are completely invisible, but also very effective in treating every issue conventional treatments can. So, if you are suited for conventional braces you are an excellent candidate for lingual braces, too.

* NOTE: Only dentists who have been on additional training can apply lingual braces and determine if lingual braces will work for you, so be careful when choosing a dentist for that particular treatment.


Fill your moments with much laughter and the widest smiles ever. Contact us now, book your complimentary consultation (free of any obligations), and be free to focus on your fantastic smile, not your braces anymore!


What brace options are there for teenagers in Nottingham?

Posted on: May 18th, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments

These days, teenagers have many orthodontic treatments, to fix their misaligned teeth and improper bite. Depending on their particular needs, there is always a suited treatment to their requirements. Undeniably, braces have come a long way, offering more options than ever before. So, if you are considering an orthodontic treatment for your teenager, you will not end up empty handed. On the contrary, because of the plethora of options available, it’s always advised to make sure you compare the choices before you commit to a source of treatment, so that you can find out exactly what to expect.

In detail, your teenager has the following options for braces:

  1. Traditional Metal Braces

No, these have nothing to do with the metal mouth you may be used to. Dentistry has evolved substantially over the last few decades, offering more discreet braces. These braces are made of minuscule, stainless steel brackets that are glued to the surface of every tooth, holding strong and thin wires that sit in bracket slots. Everything is held in place with the use of elastic bands.

Traditional braces apply gentle force on the teeth, causing them to move. They are often the most cost-effective option because the metal brackets are industry-standard.

  1. Ceramic Braces (Clear)

If you don’t like the use of metal, the next best thing is ceramic braces that use tooth-coloured or clear ceramic brackets (e.g. Damon Braces), which makes them more discreet than traditional braces. Most of them are self-ligating, meaning they have a channel that holds everything in place, but you may also find brackets that still use elastic ties for that purpose.

Note: Before opting for ceramic braces, you first need to know whether your teen is a good candidate because these braces don’t correct all kinds of orthodontic issues.

  1. Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are braces implanted at the back of your teeth, not their visible side. It is not a treatment that every orthodontist can offer as it requires special training and a high level of expertise. So, before you choose this treatment, it is best to search for truly qualified professionals, as it is them who will be able to treat all orthodontic issues with lingual braces. As it is a treatment that demands high technology, it can be more expensive than the others, but you do get utmost discretion. This is why most celebrities and A-lists prefer this particular option to straighten their teeth.

  1. Invisalign/Smilelign/Clear Aligners

These braces are invisible, removable clear plastic trays, specially created using a mold of your teeth, and are changed as the teeth move. It is the perfect option for mild to moderate orthodontic issues and brings excellent results if used as prescribed.

Personalisation Options

Braces among teenagers tend to become fashion statements, considering an entire industry that has moved forward making brackets in all different kinds of shapes (e.g. stars, hearts, and flowers) and colours (from golden to bright sapphire). The same applies to the rubber bands that hold the wires to the brackets and are changed at every appointment, giving your teen the chance to wear something different, something completely personal, whenever he/she feels like it!

To know whether your teenager is a fitted candidate for the orthodontic treatment you have chosen, please don’t hesitate to contact our Straight Teeth Suite clinic in Nottingham to book a consultation, completely free of any charges and obligations.

Give your children the smile they deserve and watch them grow up with confidence!

What are Lingual Braces in Nottingham? A Helpful Guide

Posted on: May 10th, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments

The majority of modern patients are particularly concerned with their appearance when undergoing an orthodontic treatment. Ever since the introduction of Invisalign aligners in 1998, more and more people are receiving treatments, mainly because of the extreme discretion the treatment provides them with. Who wouldn’t want to wear braces that are hardly visible, anyway? Unfortunately, Invisalign braces don’t cover all patient cases. Some problems require more than plastic aligners to correct. Besides, it would be nice to have an option that allows for complete invisibility. The recent advances in CAD/CAM technology and 3D imaging have provided us with another option, called Lingual (meaning tongue) Braces; a very crucial milestone in orthodontics.

What do they Look Like?

Lingual braces or Invisible Braces are braces attached to the inside of the mouth – the teeth that face the tongue. This means that they are invisible from the outside, and even if someone is too close to you, they would still know you are wearing braces.

Advantages of Lingual Braces

Besides being practically undetectable, lingual braces are extremely efficient in treating complex cases compared to clear aligners. These cases could include altering the height of the teeth, correcting rotations, and closing the space(s) after an extraction. In addition, when wearing braces, discoloration (white spots) occurs, sometimes. With lingual braces, you will not have to worry about someone noticing those white spots on your teeth, as they will be on the inside.

Why are Lingual Braces more Expensive?

Lingual Braces require lighter and smaller, robotically created wires, and precision brackets, given that the distances between the teeth on the inside are shorter than on the outside. Since braces and wires are custom-made, requiring specialised technology and 3D imaging to make them, plus the fact that treatments tend to be more timely and involved, lingual braces make a more expensive treatment. Also, compared to conventional braces, lingual braces may require more chair-time. It makes sense though as working on the inside and upside-down is more difficult for an orthodontist than working on the outside.

That aside, it takes specialised skills to offer lingual braces. It is NOT something every orthodontist can do. They need to have extra training for this particular dental treatment, and, of course, always keep up with the latest through continuing education courses. This expertise acquired figures into the cost.

But, don’t be intimidated by the sound of lingual braces being more expensive. There are ways to make the cost manageable, either via dental insurance plans that may cover lingual braces or in-office payment plans.

What to Expect at First?

It will take some time to get used to having braces on the inside of your mouth and so close to your tongue. But, an adjustment period is anticipated in every type of treatment, anyway. The wires and brackets will feel a bit rough at first, and you may have slight issues with your speech. Don’t worry. These are only temporal and more or less the same as wearing normal braces. Now, the one thing that is different is that it will be a bit more challenging to keep your teeth clean, but our hygienist will give you a great helping hand.

However, not everyone is fit for lingual braces. If, for example, you have small teeth of significant issues with your bite, such as an overbite, you may not be a suited candidate for them.

As you can understand, there are lots of things that have to be discussed so that you can make a wise and knowledgeable decision. For that reason, feel free to book your first consultation (no charges) here at Straight Teeth Suite in Nottingham, where we can go through all options and offer the best solution for your case.

With fantastic results guaranteed and benefits that outweigh the potential drawbacks, wearing lingual braces will definitely be an investment well worth your money and time, so why wait any longer? Just Contact us now and let the most invisible journey to a wide, straight smile begin!

Invisalign: From A-Z in Nottingham

Posted on: May 5th, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments

Admittedly, Invisalign is gaining popularity, especially among adults, as a solution for orthodontic issues, and for a very good reason. Invisalign, unlike traditional ceramic-metal braces that require the placement of brackets on the teeth, in addition to being linked together with unaesthetic-pleasing wires, works, as its name suggest, almost invisibly. It is a particularly attractive solution for those that feel self-conscious about wearing braces that are noticeable and wish to draw attention away from their mouths, such as actors and teachers.

But, how much do you know about Invisalign? Here is a guide to the basic steps involved, so you know what to expect before you decide to opt for them or not.

  1. Consultation with our Certified Invisalign Providers

Please note that only professionals that have received specialised training can work with Invisalign.

That said, during your consultation appointment, our trained clinicians will assess your smile’s needs and determine if you are a good candidate for Invisalign or not. This is necessary, because, in some cases, the type of problem may require another orthodontic treatment to fix, other than Invisalign.

  1. Creation of a Bespoke Treatment Plan

With Invisalign, we use a series of clear trays that are specially created by taking X-rays and impressions of your teeth, so they fit almost perfectly over your teeth. These are then submitted to a specialized laboratory that makes a 3D print of your smile, which will be used to create an individual treatment plan. That way, we are able to estimate the overall duration of your treatment.

  1. Arrival of Individually Moulded Trays

Once your customized trays arrive, the treatment process can commence. However, for Invisalign to work properly, you must wear the aligners 20 to 22 hours per day, remove them only when you eat or drink, and brush your teeth regularly. These trays will allow your teeth to move into the right position, as a means to correct your teeth alignment issues, without having to worry about anything during your everyday life. Once the individualised treatment plan is completed, you can look in the mirror and be euphoric with the beautiful smile you have gained!

Final Notes:

  • Normally, you will have to replace your aligners every couple of weeks and have a new set. This is to paramount to allow the teeth to continue moving throughout the treatment process.
  • It is important to check in with our team approximately every 6 weeks or so, to check how the treatment progresses.
  • Like any other teeth straightening method, maintaining your oral hygiene is critical to a successful orthodontic treatment. It is paramount to clean your aligner after you have removed it to eat or drink, so it won’t get stained and remains bacteria-free.


To acquire a gorgeous smile is not a far-fetched dream at Straight Teeth Suite, so don’t be intimidated by those that may discourage you from wearing braces, only because they think braces are for children.

Contact us, book your first FREE consultation  to know more about braces, and let’s make it happen!