Smile Radiantly in 6 Months

Posted on: October 16th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Having problems with your teeth is why so many of you feel less confident. Not only that you are not comfortable smiling, but you become nervous and even scared to see a dentist. These small worries can then build up to bigger problems and your teeth may develop bad conditions.

If you are unhappy with your smile, seeing a dentist is mandatory. And, as most patients say, once they get to talk to the dentist, who explains the steps of the treatment, their fears disappear. Many of our patients walk in extremely nervous but our team of dentists are used to dealing with scared patients.

One particular nervous patient booked a FREE consultation with us. She was given all the information with the recommendations and advice upfront. Right away we helped her make the correct decision regarding the treatment for her teeth problems. This made the patient feel comfortable and happy, trust the team and want to continue with treatment.

After being consulted, this patient was given the 6 Month Smile brace treatment.

There are more straightening solutions available, but not all of them meet everybody’s needs and requirements. This is why all patients must be seen by dentists, and discuss all the issues their teeth condition involves.

How Does the 6 Month Smile Work?

This is quite a simple treatment, and, as it’s name says, it involves braces that are designed to straighten your teeth in 6 months.

They are quite different from the traditional braces, offering more comfort through their discreet appearance and the lack of metallic wires.

The 6 months braces can be used for both your top and bottom teeth, depending where your problems are. They were created to help people who have gaps between their teeth, or who want to have a straight healthy smile.

Once you have the Six Month Smile braces fixed, your teeth should begin moving very quickly. Most patients who are nervous of dentists are amazed of how fast their smile is improving and the results are obvious.

A Brand New Smile in Just 6 Months

The patient was really happy with the results, stating that after wearing 6 month braces, she became more confident, being able to smile without the fear people look at her teeth. The treatment wasn’t painful and the results were much better than she ever imagined.

Misaligned teeth can stop you from smiling, as well as they can affect your social and personal life. So, if you have problems, you want to get a gorgeous smile and see if you are a good candidate for the 6 month braces, make an appointment with one of our dentists HERE

7 Common Questions Patients ask about Lingual Braces

Posted on: October 9th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Lingual Braces is a much preferred orthodontic treatment to straighten crooked, crowded or gapped teeth, especially among adults in Nottingham that want to achieve a wonderful smile and perfectly aligned teeth. However, since it is a relatively new and definitely innovative system to get you to the much-desired straight-teeth result, several questions arise. Here are the 7 most common of them, answered one-by-one for you, so you have a clear idea of what to expect from your Lingual braces treatment.

1. How do Lingual Braces work?

Lingual braces is an orthodontic treatment where small metal brackets (and a specially bent metal wire placed into them) are glued on the back of the teeth and apply forces on your teeth able to make them move to the desired position. It is a procedure that results to a beautiful smile and perfectly straight teeth. Lingual braces are perfect to straighten crowded, overlapped, or gappy teeth.

During this treatment, it may be required to do some tooth slenderising (IPR – enamel removal) to create some space for the teeth to move and align.

2. How do Lingual braces look?

Wearing Lingual braces is discreet, and the brackets used are very small to be seen when smiling, unless you tilt your head back or your chin down. Here, at Straight Teeth Suite, we use the most advanced materials and high-end technology, to ensure excellent results at all times. Currently, we are using Innovation L Lingual braces, which are the latest Lingual treatment in orthodontics. These are made up of a small metal base with a small door which holds the wire in place and is used instead of a module (o-ring), used in conventional braces.

3. How long do I need to wear them?

Treatment times vary and depend on the complexity of each case. At Straight Teeth Suite, we have treated simpler cases within 3-6 months, while moderate cases can take 9-12 months. As for more severe cases, it can take 18-24 months to achieve the desired results.

4. How much do they cost?

Prices start from £3000. However, this is only indicative, as the final cost depends on whether one or both jaws need treating. Furthermore, there are also cases, where a combination of treatments may be more effective. For example, we have treated patients by using Lingual braces on the top teeth and tooth-coloured Six Months braces on the lowers.

Case 1 below was treated using upper Lingual braces as the patient wanted something truly invisible, and it took about 10 months to achieve teeth straightening. As for the bottom teeth, we used Six Month braces as it was easier, quicker and cheaper to straighten the lowers with that system, and treatment was completed in about 6 months. Of course, like in any other orthodontic treatment, the patient was provided with fixed and removable night time retainers at the end.


Case 1

5. Are they painful?

Initially, there is always a degree of discomfort and I always warn my patients that the teeth will ache for the first 2-3 weeks. Please expect some tongue-soreness and possible ulcers due to the braces and wires rubbing. Moreover, you will have a temporary lisp initially that might take you 1-2 months to go away.

Most of my patients complain on those problems but as soon as they see their teeth move so quickly and nicely, they accept the initial discomfort and know it is worth it for the end result.

6. Who is suitable to wear them?

Most patients are suitable; however, we do inform our patients if some movements are easier to achieve with labial braces, meaning braces that go on the front of the teeth. At Straight Teeth Suite, it is our duty to fully inform our patients of all options and understand that some cases are possibly better treated with different systems.

The patient in case 2 shown below had braces as a child and didn’t have retainers for the top teeth so they moved back to their pre-braces position. She then felt she wanted something invisible and opted for lingual braces. Relapse cases are perfect cases to be treated with lingual braces.


Case 2

Case 3 shows a patient who didn’t like her front teeth and wanted to have the most discreet option to straighten her front teeth alone. So she had upper lingual braces and lower 6 Month braces. The lower teeth were straightened in 6 months and the uppers in about 9-10 months.


Case 3

Our opinion? If you want to straighten your front teeth only, lingual braces are a great option!

7. Are there any side effects?

Like all types of orthodontics, there may be some risks and complications. The temporary issues have been described above. Other problems maybe tooth decay or gum problems, but could be easily prevented if only you look after your teeth well and have a good diet.

Extremely Rare Issues:

The nerve of a tooth may die. If it happens, it is usually linked to previous trauma to the tooth (i.e. bike accident or sport injury) which would have already damaged the nerve of the tooth.

The shorting of the root of a tooth, which is also extremely rare. If it happens, it is usually linked to very complex treatments with severe misalignment which require long treatments. There is also a genetic component.

However, both complications mentioned have a significantly low instance to occur while wearing Lingual braces.

What has become obvious is that Lingual braces have fantastic results if only applied by professional orthodontists that know their job well. Due to the particularity of this method, you need a dental expert you can trust, so to ensure the best results.

That being said; it is not a surprise that Straight Teeth Suite is established as a leading practice in orthodontic treatments, based on the superb results achieved and the high-end technology used that makes any process easier and more comfortable than ever before.

Book your FREE consultation now to get your quote and ask us about our flexible treatment plans.

Never before was your gorgeous smile with beautifully aligned teeth closer to becoming reality!


Age is not a factor for Lingual Braces

Posted on: September 6th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Deciding to wear braces is not easy, even if you are eager to have a beautiful smile. There are many adults who have postponed to see a dentist for many reasons including being embarrassed about wearing braces. But that fear should not stop you from getting the smile you always dreamed of, no matter how old you are. Advances in orthodontics have made braces less obvious and more and more adults are now willing to undergo treatment. Watch this patient’s testimonial video.


All Ages Can Get Lingual Braces

One patient came to fix her teeth because she was very unhappy with the way her smile looked. Her teeth were crowded and she felt uncomfortable and even embarrassed, whenever she smiled. What is important is that she thought her age was not appropriate for braces.

During the initial consultation, the patient found out that lingual braces are actually a great option for both young people and adults, no matter what their age is. The only condition is: the bones and gums must be healthy.

Please note: You are never too old for braces.

What Are Lingual Braces?

This is one of the options for adults when you decide to straighten your misaligned teeth. Lingual braces involve the use of fixed braces on the teeth’s inner surface. One of the advantages of this design is that they really are invisible – you can’t see them from the front, and they allow you to straighten your teeth in an extremely discreet manner. Many adults worry about how they will appear when they are out and about, but you needn’t worry about any severe changes occurring while the treatment is in place.

The lingual braces are permanent and that means they stay in your mouth 24/7.  Some people are initially put off by this, but lingual braces are actually the more practical option in the long run. The treatment time depends on the problems you have and the complexity of your teeth.

Some cases can take as little as three months, some cases can take twelve to eighteen months, but that would be indicated at your first appointment.

Lingual Braces Are Considered a Great Option for adults

The patient evaluated her experience with Lingual Braces as being a really positive one, not only thanks to the beautiful smile she has now but also thanks to the helpful staff she found at the Straight Teeth Suite. She was given all the information she needed and treated her case with enthusiasm.

Furthermore, the braces are not visible, they can’t actually be seen. This is a plus for adults who are scared of the idea of wearing braces. It can be your secret! The experience was a pleasing one and the result made the patient happy and confident. The fact that her new smile was obvious to people around her made her even more content.

For any concerns and questions, you can contact Straight Teeth Suite and make an appointment for a FREE consultation HERE


Fantastic new solutions to quickly straighten teeth

Posted on: August 28th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

If you want or need your teeth straightened quickly for a big occasion you would like to look your best for, or you do not like the idea of wearing braces for a year or more, aligners are a great solution.  Aligners are custom-made to fit your teeth and gently move them into the desired new position.   If you are a suitable candidate, the Straight Teeth Suite can fit your aligners and straighten your teeth in as little as sixteen weeks.  Four months and you can have the smile you always wanted.


As we are all different and have different complexities of issues with our teeth, the dentist will first need to give you an examination to see if aligners are the best solution for your problem and to give you a realistic idea of what to expect.  If the problem is mild, for example, your teeth are just slightly overcrowded, you have an unsightly gap in your front teeth, or they protrude, aligners are probably a great solution, and you will not need braces for too long.  However, you need to be committed and follow the instructions the dentist gives you to the letter if you want fast results.  There are no half measures, if time is an issue.

The aligner is removable, but it is intended the patient wear it day and night until the teeth have been repositioned.  Just because you can take the aligners out, they are not made to be worn part-time if you want them to be effective.  They should only be removed to eat and clean your teeth if you want the best results.

How Aligners work

Aligners are removable braces with a clear plastic bar on the front and on the reverse side of your teeth.  The bars gently oppose each other, guiding the teeth into their new position. As they are almost invisible, they are a fantastic solution if you don’t want anyone to know you are wearing braces to straighten your teeth.  Initially, as with anything alien in your mouth, they may feel awkward and cumbersome, and you may develop a lisp until you get used to them.  During this period, you may be tempted to remove them but, for every hour you leave the aligners out, you add an hour to your treatment time.  If you are dedicated to straightening your teeth, they will follow, and you will soon have the smile you want.  If you feel you are not going to be able to commit, your dentist will suggest another solution.

During treatment, your teeth will need to be checked every two or three weeks to review progress and adjust the plastic bars.  When the treatment is completed, a retainer will be fitted to prevent your teeth from moving back to their old position.

Not quite ready to get braces? Please post your comment below if anything is unclear and you would like your questions answered.

Do I have to have teeth out with Damon Braces

Posted on: August 14th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Damon braces is an entire philosophy of orthodontic treatment and comprise a favourite option for all ages. To give you an idea, they are a high-quality brace system, with a small door to lock the wire in place, and here are some of the most commonly asked questions regarding Damon braces for your reference.


Q: What’s so Different about Damon braces?

A: With old-fashioned braces, we had to install little elastics, to be able to keep the wire in place, paying attention that the wire was fully engaged in the brace to apply pressure and allow the tooth to move. However, the most frequent problem is that these elastics can drop off while there are times when they don’t adequately cover the wire in place, stalling the treatment. The Damon brace door though, secures the wire in place, saving both you and us from unnecessary distress.

Another issue we faced with traditional braces was that the elastic also caused friction, making it more difficult for the wire to work, which not only reduced the number of movements that could be achieved at the same time, but also slowing down the treatment. Thanks to advanced dentistry and Damon braces, we can achieve various types of movements occurring all at the same time, much quicker than ever before, without applying too much force on the teeth. This means more spaced out (and less) appointments required.


Q: Can Damon braces treat all cases?

A: The Damon braces come in metal and clear, with the first type be mainly used for moderate cases, leaving the metal Damon brace for more severe cases.


Q: What about Teeth Extraction?

A: Another great advantage of the Damon Brace is the fact that very few cases will require teeth to be taken out. With a traditional brace, the extraction rate (rate of removal of teeth) is between 40-70% while with the Damon brace is a mere 10-20%. This means more teeth saved.


Q: When do we Need to Take out Teeth?

A: Although we don’t need to take as many teeth out with the Damon Brace, there are cases when tooth extraction is the only option and here are some examples (this is not a comprehensive list):

  • If you have severe crowding, we need teeth out to make space to straighten them.
  • If your profile is already too full (we don’t want to make it even fuller and unbalanced).
  • If you have very proclined sticky out top teeth that need to be pushed back.
  • If you have very thin bone and gum recession and your teeth are already tipped forward.
  • If some of the teeth are in a very bad condition and treatment cannot commence with those teeth in your mouth.


Q: How to find out whether you need to have teeth out or not?

A: Of course, attend our free straight teeth consultation, where we will:

  • Assess your teeth and bite,
  • Go through all the available options, and
  • Discuss the costs.


Q: What is the Procedure to Get Damon Braces?

A: Providing you are entirely contented with the outcome of your consultation, we will invite you back for a dental health check and X-ray appointment to ensure your teeth and mouth are healthy, before we provide braces for you.

Once everything is OK we will set a mould, photo appointment where we will take a series of records and carry out an orthodontic assessment so we can then decide whether we need any teeth out and, if so, which ones.


Q: Where do I get to know more about Damon Braces?

A: For any questions, concerns, or queries, please feel free to contact us or call our Straight Teeth Suite clinic in Leicester on 0115 824 3115.

Long may it last: Is my new smile permanent?

Posted on: August 7th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

You may have had braces fitted in your teenage years only to find that over time your teeth have moved back to their original position and are as crooked or overcrowded as they were originally.  Perhaps you are now contemplating whether or not to have braces or aligners fitted to repeat the treatment and correct your smile again but are of the opinion there is little point if they are going to move once your treatment is completed. The reason for the failed treatment is not in most cases because the straightening treatment did not work but because you were either not advised to wear retainers or failed to do so. Your smile will last if you follow a few simple rules as set down by the Straight Teeth Suite.

The most important part of teeth straightening treatment are the retainers.  Whether you have had fixed braces or clear aligners to straighten your teeth, once they are removed a retainer will need to be fitted to keep your teeth permanently in their new position. Without a retainer, teeth can move into the spaces or position they were in before.  When you undergo an orthodontic treatment, the bone and tissue surrounding the teeth require some time to adjust to the new position they are moved into, by your treatment. This time span is crucial and must be used intelligently, to maximize the effect of having worn braces to straighten your teeth to achieve a beautiful smile.

The best retainer is a fixed retainer.   This is a small wire fixed to the reverse side of the teeth and held in place with a white filling material, so it is very discreet. Retainers allow the gums to adjust slowly to the new bone structure and keep the teeth perfectly aligned, at the same time. You are the only person, aside from your dentist, who need know the fixed retainer is there.  Not only is it invisible but it is comfortable.  Very soon you will forget you are wearing the retainer.  It remains in position indefinitely protecting your teeth from moving.

In addition, the Straight Teeth Suite recommend a removable retainer worn over the fixed retainer only at night.  The ‘belt and braces’ combination of the fixed wire and removable retainer ensures good stability while you sleep. Patients who have adhered to this type of retention treatment over a period of more than eight years are the patients whose teeth have remained in position and are happy with their smile.

For all of you who have successfully endured dental treatment and worn braces for anything from six months to two years to straighten your teeth, the relief of finally having your braces removed and seeing your new smile light up your face is a magical moment. Long may it last.

Contact the Straight Teeth Suite here for an appointment to talk about braces and retainers to keep your smile for life.

The Best Ways To Make Your Smile Stick

Posted on: July 31st, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

If you have recently completed your straightening treatment, having worn braces for many months, you will be relieved when they are finally taken off, and you have the pleasure of your new smile unencumbered by brackets, wires or aligners.  The Straight Teeth Suite  explains the need for retainers, how they work, and how they will keep you smiling.

Which Retainer?

There are three types of retainer:

  • Your best option is a fixed retainer worn indefinitely to hold your teeth permanently in their new position.  A fixed retainer is a discreet wire bonded to the back of your teeth where it can’t be seen.  It is comfortably positioned, and you will soon forget it is there.
  • A removable retainer, worn at night, will help prevent your teeth from moving.  This is essential in the early weeks following removal of your braces, and you need to adopt the habit of wearing it regularly.  The plastic vacuum formed retainer is moulded from impressions of your straightened teeth and worn to hold your teeth in place. Without your retainer, your teeth will undoubtedly move.
  • The most cautious option is a combination of both a fixed and removable brace.  The removable brace is worn at night, two or three times a week to be certain your teeth will not move.

Why you need to Wear a Retainer

  1. A retainer keeps your teeth in their new position.
  2. Teeth need time to fuse in place.
  3. Without a retainer teeth can move back into their old position.
  4. The forces of biting and chewing put more pressure on your teeth.
  5. If you lose, or gain, weight and age, your face will change shape putting pressure on your teeth.
  6. Some patients are prone to grinding their teeth when asleep, and these constant forces can damage your teeth.

Before considering braces to straighten your teeth, you need to know the importance of committing to life with a retainer.  After all, you don’t want anything to dent your smile and burst your bubble, so think of your retainer as the protector of your new smile.

Anything we haven’t covered on retainers? Post your comment below and we’ll make sure to answer.

New ways to get straight teeth like celebrities

Posted on: July 24th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

We wonder how many celebrities featured in the news, in magazines and on television who have worn braces to straighten their teeth you can name?  You can’t?  That’s not surprising. Lingual braces are so clever and discreet they can’t be seen.  Nobody will know you have been to the Straight Teeth Suite and are undergoing teeth realignment with Lingual braces unless, of course, you tell them.  

There are some famous people who have embraced their braces and have told the world about their new smiles. Myleene Klass, singer and television presenter of This Morning, flaunted her Lingual braces for all to see.  But, if she hadn’t opened her mouth so wide to let the camera in, no one who have known.

Other famous personalities in the public eye, such as Wimbledon champions, Serina Williams and her sister Venus, Tom Cruise and Emma Watson of Harry Potter fame have all worn braces.  Faye Dunaway, the Oscar-winning actress, wore her braces at the age of sixty- one proving it is never too late to get a beautiful smile.  Members of the Royal family, including Prince William, who wore his braces for years with no one noticing, despite the paparazzi photographing him thousands of times. Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, is known to have had her Lingual braces fitted before her marriage to William giving her a lovely smile for the much-publicised wedding photos.  Her braces were invisible, and only a few close family members knew she had opted to have her teeth straightened until someone leaked the news to the press.

All these celebrities are in the public eye and may be subject to scrutiny. Even if you are not famous, you may feel judged or criticised if you have an overcrowded smile or buck teeth. And, if your bite is misaligned it may be uncomfortable to eat. They are many different reasons, aside from the aesthetic, to consider having braces and realigning your teeth.

You don’t have to be famous to treat yourself like the best.  Lingual braces are available for all.  Fitted to the reverse side of your teeth, they are more comfortable than conventional braces.  As they are custom made, they fit perfectly and are very effective in moving teeth to their desired position in a relatively short amount of time. The brackets are smaller and they are less intrusive so they don’t disrupt your ability to chew or affect your speech.  And best of all, no one will know you have braces unless you tell them.

If you want to be one of the best and have Lingual braces fitted, contact the Straight Teeth Suite HERE

Why are lingual braces so popular?

Posted on: July 10th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Lingual braces (you may hear them referred to as Invisible braces or Incognito braces, as well) are braces positioned at the back of the teeth, facing the tongue. It is a superb treatment for adults that are worried about looks and aesthetics during an orthodontic treatment, as it offers complete discretion. This means that no one will be able to tell you are wearing braces!

Lingual braces are digitally customised and require specialised technology to make them, and trained professionals to install them. So, don’t expect your family dentist to know the how-tos as it takes particular skills to stand up to the challenge involved in implanting lingual braces. Of course, all these add to the overall cost of the treatment, making lingual braces more expensive than regular braces. However, their benefits overshadow any possible drawbacks, which is why lingual braces are among the most popular orthodontic treatments patients ask for in the last decades. In detail…

  1. Lingual Braces are Invisible

If you have angled front teeth, crooked or misaligned teeth that make your smile somewhat unflattering, you will fix your problem with orthodontic braces. So far so good. However, with the traditional route, you will have to wear metal braces around your dentures. If you don’t fancy the metal mouth and metal braces flashing every time you smile, you have lingual braces; a solution with a more cosmetic and aesthetic appeal. They bond at the back of your teeth, thus remaining undetectable when smiling. Perfect!

Note: Even if you choose to wear clear braces or ceramic braces, they’d still be visible. They are definitely a more aesthetically inconspicuous option, but won’t give you the utmost discretion you will get from lingual braces. So, if you are struggling with self-consciousness, no other form of orthodontic braces will get you covered.


  1. Lingual Braces are Made for Various Bites

Almost every form of bite can be treated with lingual braces. If you were told you need braces, there is absolutely no difference between conventional braces and lingual braces, when it comes to the final outcome. With only minor exceptions, lingual braces can treat even the most serious form of oral disfigurement. The only difference is that they won’t be seen by others. In addition, there is a variety of brackets to choose from, which gives you the freedom to shop around if you want and find the company that will best meet your oral requirements.


  1. Lingual Braces are Custom-Made for YOUR Smile

For lingual braces, we use 3D imaging and computer-designed brackets and wires to fit your mouth specifically. The “one size fits all” plan does not have a place here. No one will tell you that positioning lingual braces is an easy task. The fitting demands particular skills and knowledge so that the braces are perfectly aligned with your teeth’s contours and meet your mouth’s particular specifications. This is one of the reasons you need an orthodontic that has received special training to be able to fit lingual braces.


Do you know if you are a good candidate for lingual braces? If any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us, book your FREE first consultation, and get your mouth assessed. Acquiring that wonderful, straight smile of your dreams has never been so close!

Eligible for Beautiful Teeth? – Your guide to Invisalign, part three

Posted on: June 18th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Your smile and eyes are the most important features of your face. Many people dream about the confidence of a healthy straight smile, but for most of you straightening your teeth seems like a big deal, thinking it must take forever. Well, the good news is getting the smile you have always wanted barely has to impact your daily life.

Transforming your smile with Invisalign doesn’t take as long as you thought and it’s a comfortable as well as removable treatment.  Your peers will hardly notice them.

  • Are you a Suitable Candidate for the Treatment?

The good news is that everybody who is tired of feeling uncomfortable when smiling can take advantage of this treatment. With Invisalign large bites are treated and so are the gaps between teeth. Yes, you can say goodbye too gappy teeth, and you don’t have to wear the annoying fixed braces all people complain about.

A straight smile can actually change your whole face and you can achieve this without too much hassle. The procedure involves invisible aligners, which can be removed, especially when you eat or brush your teeth.

For Invisalign to work properly, you must wear the aligners 20 to 22 hours per day. You remove your aligners when you’re eating, as well as drinking, unless its cold water. You may also want to avoid anything that’s too hard to chew because your teeth may be a bit tender. That’s pretty good news since you are able to eat anything you want without the fear of having something caught in your braces.

  • What if you are pregnant?

Yes, you can straighten your teeth if you are pregnant, but it depends on the stage of pregnancy, and sometimes we may postpone it until after you give birth, because taking x-rays of your teeth prior to treatment is absolutely necessary. So, just to make sure, you should speak to your midwife and GP and let them know you want to have dental treatment, such as braces where x-rays are required and ask for their opinion.

  • Can I have Invisalign if I have a dental bridge or crown?  

Patients with bridges and crowns can also be treated. However, there are some things that must be discussed before. It really depends on their position and on how they would be influenced by the aligners. Once you have consulted, you will be told exactly if there are any issues or not. There have been patients with both bridges and crowns who were very happy with the results.

  • How comfortable will you feel wearing Invisalign?

The pain and discomfort people who wore fixed braces complained about is out of the question when it comes to treating your teeth with Invisalign. Of course, you might feel some pressure in the first week, but it will all be gone in time.

  • So, How Can You Get the New Smile that Will Make Your Life Better?

You can start by making a free appointment with one of the dentists HERE. To read Your Guide To Invisalign part 1 CLICK HERE and for part 4 CLICK HERE