Don’t get confused when choosing your brace in Nottingham: Your guide to the Inman Aligner, Part two

Posted on: September 11th, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments


Knowing the details of any dental treatment is important before you make the important decision as to whether to proceed. Fortunately, the team at the Straight Teeth Suite are able to provide professional advice and guidance to all confused patients – whether in depth at a consultation in Nottingham, or right here on the blog. Following PART 1 , below is part 2 of this series on Your Guide To The Inman Aligner, so you can get more information and see whether this treatment could work for you.

Will the treatment itself be uncomfortable?

While it’s one of the most common questions asked regarding any dental treatment, it’s a difficult one to answer. Of course, some cope better than others with these things, but as a general rule it’s best to prepare for a few days of discomfort following the start of the treatment. It will get better with time, but if you need pain relief then that is an option that is always available to patients.

Is the Inman Aligner comparable to Invisalign or fixed wire and bracket braces?

The main difference is the number of teeth that each treatment covers. The Inman Aligner is extremely effective, but only covers the front four teeth.  Invisalign or fixed wire and bracket braces, on the other hand, are treatments designed to be used on a much larger scale and would be recommended if the patient needed more teeth straightening.

What is the cost of the Inman Aligner treatment?

Of course, it all depends on the complexity of the case. On average, it is expected to somewhere between £1500 and £1800.

Is it suitable for children under 14?

As a general rule, the Inman Aligner is not usually recommended due to children that are still growing. In these instances, a conventional brace is considered more suitable.

Am I too old to wear an Inman Aligner?

An Inman Aligner is one thing you’re never too old for. The only prerequisite that the team at the Straight Teeth Suite have is that each patient has strong teeth and healthy gums in order to proceed with the treatment.

How many hours a day should I wear it?

It’s recommended that the Inman Aligner is kept in for a minimum of 18 hours per day, although patients are advise to get as close to the full 24 hours as possible for the most effective results. Ideally, the only time is should be removed is when eating, drinking or brushing teeth.

Is it okay to drink anything other than water when wearing the aligners?

Unfortunately, as with many dental treatments, water is the only thing that is recommended to drink. Any other liquids have the potential to damage both your teeth and the aligner, meaning the treatment must continue for a longer period of time.

Can I have Inman Aligner braces if I have veneers?

It is possible, but it will require a bit more extra planning to achieve the desired results. As each aligner is custom made, we’d need to decide whether to straighten your teeth through the veneers or if you feel that changing the veneers would be more suitable. Either way, we can easily work around them but the planning stage will be slightly longer than usual to ensure the team get it right for you.

Will it affect my speech?

At first, you will experience some slight change in your speech. The aligner itself will cover the tongue’s surface, causing you to have a lisp during the initial few days of the treatment. The easiest way to combat this is to exercise your tongue as much as you can – either talking as much as possible, or reading a book out loud to help your tongue get used to it. After this, the lisp tends to go fairly quickly.

To read the following article part of the Your Guide To Inman Aligners series click HERE.

For any questions, concerns, or queries, please feel free to contact the practice and book a FREE consultation.

Seeking a Straighter Smile in weeks in Leicester: Your guide to the Inman Aligner, Part one

Posted on: September 11th, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments


It’s only natural to want the best for you teeth. Whether it’s from a health perspective or an aesthetic point of view, there’s no escaping the fact that our teeth are often the focal point of our facial expressions – as soon as we are uncomfortable about our teeth, we become uncomfortable about expressing ourselves freely, too.

It’s important to remember that there are options to take in order to rectify this. Here at the Straight Teeth Suite, we speak to so many different people from different backgrounds that all have the same thing in common – they want a straight smile, and they want to achieve it in the most comfortable way possible.

One of the ways to do this is the Inman Aligner. Not sure what it is? Read on for the first part in our helpful 4 – part guide and see if our Leicester-based team could help you take the first steps towards a healthier, happier smile.

What is the Inman Aligner?

The Inman Aligner is a removable brace that has the ability to straighten the front four teeth in your mouth in as little as six weeks. It’s a simple but proven mechanism consisting of two clear plastic bows, one going up the front of the teeth and the other at the back, pushing the teeth gently towards their correct position.

Is it similar to an invisible brace?

There are some similarities, yes. Like an invisible brace, it’s removable and made of clear plastic bows. It isn’t as discreet, but it’s hugely popular due to the speed of the treatment when worn correctly.

Why would I need an Inman Aligner?

As with all the treatments that is offered here at the Straight Teeth Suite, it will depend on your individual needs. It’s more than likely that, after your consultation, you’ll be offered a range of options as to how to proceed – if the Inman Aligner is one of them, it’s certainly recommended due to its speed and effectiveness.

On the whole, most cases tend to take around twelve weeks. Due to its speed, the team will be able to carry out a lot of pre-planning, allowing you to see each stage of the treatment – something that is great when providing patients with peace of mind. It’s a particularly safe form of brace – the movements that are caused by it are extremely gentle – and for that reason it remains popular with patients.

So how does it work?

The Inman Aligner has nickel titanium coil springs that connect to the clear plastic bows at front and back. These coils are able to put pressure on the teeth through the bows, and because of these your teeth are able to move in the desired direction.

How long does the treatment take?

This is something that can only be determined by the complexity of the individual case. Some cases have been known to take as little as six weeks, while some take twelve or longer. If the teeth are more stubborn, or the braces are not worn correctly, the length of time can become much longer – patients who only wear the braces part time, rather than the recommended 18-20 hours per day, often experience a lengthier treatment period.

After the consultation with one of the Straight Teeth Suite dentists, you will be able to have a much clearer picture of your treatment trajectory.

Do all braces require impressions of the mouth to be taken?

As with all treatments, impressions will need to be taken – this happens for two reasons. The first is to provide a record of how the teeth look in their original position, and the other is to construct the alignment to fit your teeth perfectly. These impressions are an integral part of the process, and allow the dentists to carry out the work with both speed and professionalism.

How often will I need to come in to see the doctor?

At the Straight Teeth Suite, we average around three weeks between appointments. This can just be for standard check-ups, or for adjustments to ensure that the treatment is going on as planned. It’s a great way for you to see the real impact of the treatment and the progress that is being made, and helps the dentist spot any issues extremely early on.

If you feel that the Inman Aligner will provide you with the smile that you desire, contact the team at the Straight Teeth Suite in Leicester today. You can arrange an initial consultation to assess the best way to move forward with your teeth. Continue reading Part 2 to learn more about the Inman aligner and eliminate confusion when it comes to choosing the right type of brace.

Are There Discreet or Invisible Braces?

Posted on: May 8th, 2014 by freshadmin No Comments

Most adults who think twice about getting their teeth straightened are concerned with having embarrassing and uncomfortable braces for a long period of time. The good news is that orthodontic treatment has advanced over the last few years and there are a number of highly discreet and, more importantly, comfortable solutions available.

At the Straight Teeth Suite in Nottingham, Leicester and Loughborough  we take your concerns to heart and hope we can offer a solution with hi-tech products like Damon Clear Braces and Invisalign aligners. If you aren’t sure, we’ll be able to advise you on the best options for your dental condition during a free consultation and you can trust that the cutting edge options we have available will produce excellent results.


Damon Clear Braces

Clear and resistant to staining, most people won’t realise you are wearing Damon Clear braces. Combining tie less braces with high-tech arch wires, this discreet treatment can produce stunning results quickly and comfortably. Because these braces produce less pressure on the teeth and don’t require the adjustments other dental attachments do, you’ll hardly notice they are there. This system can lead to beautifully straight teeth without the aggravation you would expect from a brace.


The Invisalign System

Comprising of a series of clear aligners that are produced by computer technology to fit your teeth perfectly, this method of aligning teeth is one of the most popular with our patients. Our orthodontist will take impressions of your teeth which are used to produce customised Invisalign aligners. These are inserted and exert pressure on the teeth to move them as with any other braces and needs to be changed around every 10 days.

The number of times this is repeated will depend on your teeth but it is a fairly comfortable and effective treatment for straightening teeth. There may well be some discomfort when an aligner is fitted for the first time but compared to metal orthodontic braces it is a less intrusive device with no brackets to come off or wires to remove.


Lingual Braces

Because these are placed behind your teeth, lingual braces are virtually invisible. In that respect they are unique amongst teeth straightening devices. Your orthodontist will take a mould of your teeth and then send it to a lab where they will manufacture custom brackets to fit on your teeth. Combined with wires these are then applied to the back of your teeth and are not visible to anyone.


The Inman Aligner

Using nickel titanium coil springs, your teeth are guided into their new position with the Inman Aligner. This can be used as a stand-alone treatment or as method for aligning the teeth prior to other cosmetic options. It works quickly, using two aligner bows that work gently against each other. The inner bow of the appliance pushes the teeth forward while another pulls back and can produce a wide range of movement.


It’s true that traditional style dental braces, particularly for older patients, are often not suitable – they produce a feeling of self-consciousness and embarrassment. Today’s remedies for straightening teeth are far more invisible and comfortable than in past days and the Straight Teeth Suite in the East Midlands will be able to advise which is the best option for you.