The Best Ways To Make Your Smile Stick

Posted on: July 31st, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

If you have recently completed your straightening treatment, having worn braces for many months, you will be relieved when they are finally taken off, and you have the pleasure of your new smile unencumbered by brackets, wires or aligners.  The Straight Teeth Suite  explains the need for retainers, how they work, and how they will keep you smiling.

Which Retainer?

There are three types of retainer:

  • Your best option is a fixed retainer worn indefinitely to hold your teeth permanently in their new position.  A fixed retainer is a discreet wire bonded to the back of your teeth where it can’t be seen.  It is comfortably positioned, and you will soon forget it is there.
  • A removable retainer, worn at night, will help prevent your teeth from moving.  This is essential in the early weeks following removal of your braces, and you need to adopt the habit of wearing it regularly.  The plastic vacuum formed retainer is moulded from impressions of your straightened teeth and worn to hold your teeth in place. Without your retainer, your teeth will undoubtedly move.
  • The most cautious option is a combination of both a fixed and removable brace.  The removable brace is worn at night, two or three times a week to be certain your teeth will not move.

Why you need to Wear a Retainer

  1. A retainer keeps your teeth in their new position.
  2. Teeth need time to fuse in place.
  3. Without a retainer teeth can move back into their old position.
  4. The forces of biting and chewing put more pressure on your teeth.
  5. If you lose, or gain, weight and age, your face will change shape putting pressure on your teeth.
  6. Some patients are prone to grinding their teeth when asleep, and these constant forces can damage your teeth.

Before considering braces to straighten your teeth, you need to know the importance of committing to life with a retainer.  After all, you don’t want anything to dent your smile and burst your bubble, so think of your retainer as the protector of your new smile.

Anything we haven’t covered on retainers? Post your comment below and we’ll make sure to answer.

A Guide to How We Straighten Just 2 or 4 Crooked Teeth

Posted on: January 30th, 2018 by freshadmin 2 Comments

A lot of patients we see only have a few crooked teeth that they are unhappy with and they do not always need lengthy or complex brace treatment to achieve a confident, attractive smile. Sometimes just a simple adjustment, concentrating on just the two or four front teeth will give you the smile you dream of.  There are many options available for braces with the Straight Teeth Suite in Loughborough, and our experienced dentists will guide you in making the best choice.

There are many options available for braces with the Straight Teeth Suite and our experienced dentists will guide you in making the best choice.

Perhaps your two front top teeth, your incisors, project slightly, or you have a wide gap in between the teeth.  A brace will bring these back in line in a relatively short amount of time and, with the help of a retainer, they will stay in place giving you a lifelong, beautiful smile.

In some cases, both the top two teeth and the bottom two teeth are misaligned.  Both top and bottom teeth can be repositioned. Sometimes the top and bottom teeth can be straightened at the same time, and sometimes it is better to concentrate on straightening each arch independently as it will be more comfortable for you.

Straightening Choices


The Inman Aligner, often known as the wonder brace, is a removable brace.  The Inman Aligner has Nickel Titanium coil springs that power two aligner bows that gently oppose each other, guiding the teeth into their new position. These gentle forces are active over a  large range of movements, which is why the Inman Aligner works so quickly. Within just twelve to sixteen weeks if worn as advised.  This brace can address and correct the front two to four teeth. We tend to recommend one jaw at a time because it can feel quite bulky.