Fantastic new solutions to quickly straighten teeth

Posted on: August 28th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

If you want or need your teeth straightened quickly for a big occasion you would like to look your best for, or you do not like the idea of wearing braces for a year or more, aligners are a great solution.  Aligners are custom-made to fit your teeth and gently move them into the desired new position.   If you are a suitable candidate, the Straight Teeth Suite can fit your aligners and straighten your teeth in as little as sixteen weeks.  Four months and you can have the smile you always wanted.


As we are all different and have different complexities of issues with our teeth, the dentist will first need to give you an examination to see if aligners are the best solution for your problem and to give you a realistic idea of what to expect.  If the problem is mild, for example, your teeth are just slightly overcrowded, you have an unsightly gap in your front teeth, or they protrude, aligners are probably a great solution, and you will not need braces for too long.  However, you need to be committed and follow the instructions the dentist gives you to the letter if you want fast results.  There are no half measures, if time is an issue.

The aligner is removable, but it is intended the patient wear it day and night until the teeth have been repositioned.  Just because you can take the aligners out, they are not made to be worn part-time if you want them to be effective.  They should only be removed to eat and clean your teeth if you want the best results.

How Aligners work

Aligners are removable braces with a clear plastic bar on the front and on the reverse side of your teeth.  The bars gently oppose each other, guiding the teeth into their new position. As they are almost invisible, they are a fantastic solution if you don’t want anyone to know you are wearing braces to straighten your teeth.  Initially, as with anything alien in your mouth, they may feel awkward and cumbersome, and you may develop a lisp until you get used to them.  During this period, you may be tempted to remove them but, for every hour you leave the aligners out, you add an hour to your treatment time.  If you are dedicated to straightening your teeth, they will follow, and you will soon have the smile you want.  If you feel you are not going to be able to commit, your dentist will suggest another solution.

During treatment, your teeth will need to be checked every two or three weeks to review progress and adjust the plastic bars.  When the treatment is completed, a retainer will be fitted to prevent your teeth from moving back to their old position.

Not quite ready to get braces? Please post your comment below if anything is unclear and you would like your questions answered.

Eligible for Beautiful Teeth? – Your guide to Invisalign, part three

Posted on: June 18th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

Your smile and eyes are the most important features of your face. Many people dream about the confidence of a healthy straight smile, but for most of you straightening your teeth seems like a big deal, thinking it must take forever. Well, the good news is getting the smile you have always wanted barely has to impact your daily life.

Transforming your smile with Invisalign doesn’t take as long as you thought and it’s a comfortable as well as removable treatment.  Your peers will hardly notice them.

  • Are you a Suitable Candidate for the Treatment?

The good news is that everybody who is tired of feeling uncomfortable when smiling can take advantage of this treatment. With Invisalign large bites are treated and so are the gaps between teeth. Yes, you can say goodbye too gappy teeth, and you don’t have to wear the annoying fixed braces all people complain about.

A straight smile can actually change your whole face and you can achieve this without too much hassle. The procedure involves invisible aligners, which can be removed, especially when you eat or brush your teeth.

For Invisalign to work properly, you must wear the aligners 20 to 22 hours per day. You remove your aligners when you’re eating, as well as drinking, unless its cold water. You may also want to avoid anything that’s too hard to chew because your teeth may be a bit tender. That’s pretty good news since you are able to eat anything you want without the fear of having something caught in your braces.

  • What if you are pregnant?

Yes, you can straighten your teeth if you are pregnant, but it depends on the stage of pregnancy, and sometimes we may postpone it until after you give birth, because taking x-rays of your teeth prior to treatment is absolutely necessary. So, just to make sure, you should speak to your midwife and GP and let them know you want to have dental treatment, such as braces where x-rays are required and ask for their opinion.

  • Can I have Invisalign if I have a dental bridge or crown?  

Patients with bridges and crowns can also be treated. However, there are some things that must be discussed before. It really depends on their position and on how they would be influenced by the aligners. Once you have consulted, you will be told exactly if there are any issues or not. There have been patients with both bridges and crowns who were very happy with the results.

  • How comfortable will you feel wearing Invisalign?

The pain and discomfort people who wore fixed braces complained about is out of the question when it comes to treating your teeth with Invisalign. Of course, you might feel some pressure in the first week, but it will all be gone in time.

  • So, How Can You Get the New Smile that Will Make Your Life Better?

You can start by making a free appointment with one of the dentists HERE. To read Your Guide To Invisalign part 1 CLICK HERE and for part 4 CLICK HERE


Will Invisalign work for me? Your guide to Invisalign, part two

Posted on: June 12th, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

If you are ready to be more comfortable with your smile, and you think having straight teeth might help, getting your teeth fixed with Invisalign is a great option.

The custom-made aligners are barely noticeable and removable. They are also fast and extremely effective.

You probably have many questions about how to use the aligners, who can use them or what restrictions they might bring. So, here are some answers most people are looking for when it comes to getting straight teeth with Invisalign.

  • Are there any restriction on what I can eat while wearing the aligners?

Obviously, we don’t recommend you eat while wearing them because you could damage the aligners, so remove them when you’re eating and remove them when you’re drinking, unless its cold water. Also, you may want to avoid anything that’s too hard to chew because your teeth may be a bit tender but as long as you take them off you can basically eat anything you like (not like with fixed braces).

  • Can I Smoke While Wearing the Aligners?

No, smoking is not advised. Not only can you damage the aligners because obviously they’re made of plastic, but you can also discolor them quite severely. So do not smoke, please.

  • Can I Chew Gum While Wearing Aligners?

No, that is not recommended because again, you can damage your aligners and there will be a charge to replace them.

  • What’s the Best Way to Clean My Aligners?

A good and small toothbrush that can fit into the aligners works quite well and also rinse them in lukewarm water. You should not use anything like a denture cleaner, because they have got some chemicals that may end up damaging your aligners. Also, brushing your teeth after each meal and prior to re-inserting your aligners is strongly recommended.

  • Are there Certain Dental Conditions that Could Exclude Me from Being an Eligible Patient in Leicester?

Yes, unfortunately, if your gums are not healthy and if you have had a lot of bone recession around your teeth, you cannot have any treatment with braces. However, once your condition is treated, wearing aligners should not be a problem anymore. A consultation would be able to assess whether or not you are a suitable candidate.

  • How Often Do I Need to Change My Trays?

Straightening your teeth with Invisalign is not annoying or difficult. However, it is essential that you change your trays every two weeks.

For any questions, concerns, or queries, please feel free to contact the practice and book a FREE consultation. To read Your Guide To Invisalign part 1 CLICK HERE and for part 3 CLICK HERE

Smile with Invisalign – Your guide to Invisalign, part one

Posted on: May 1st, 2018 by freshadmin No Comments

You probably heard many people talking about a method of straightening your teeth, which doesn’t have anything to do with the old-fashioned annoying braces people seem to be so afraid of. Invisalign became popular pretty fast thanks to the many benefits they bring to patients. Here are five of the reasons most people choose to improve their smile using invisible aligners in Loughborough.
1. You Don’t Have to Wait Too Long for a Confident Smile
Everything happens pretty fast around you and waiting years before being able to smile without feeling uncomfortable seems too much. This is why many people don’t even bother to try straightening their teeth. However, the new method, involving invisible aligners is different. In just a few months, you can get beautiful natural looking teeth without any effort at all.
2. Invisible Aligners Makes Straightening Your Teeth Comfy
This already famous procedure, involves a nearly invisible way to straighten your teeth. Even if people who wore fixed braces told you how awful it was for them, you should not be worried.

This method involves going through a succession of clear aligners, which you change every two weeks until your teeth are as straight as you always dreamed of. No rubbing wires like you would get with old fashioned braces and, of course, less pain and much less discomfort!
3. There is No Age Limit!
Age doesn’t matter, even if if you’re in your 60s or 70s. What matters is that your teeth and gums are healthy. However, many dentists prefer using Invisalign on young adults who have got all of the teeth present and fully formed.
4. The Treatment is Cost-Effective!
There are so many people who are afraid of prices when they hear all the information available on getting a great smile in Loughborough. But this is far from being an issue. The price really depends on the complexity of the treatment, but people say that, considering the effectiveness of the procedure, the price is more than affordable and you can spread the cost with a monthly payment plan.
5. Straightening your Teeth Doesn’t Have to Be Obvious
Nobody should feel ashamed to wear braces. However, there are many people who are uncomfortable with fixed braces, feeling like people stare at them. Well, with Invisalign all these fears are gone. Everything is close to being invisible so even if you feel conscious, your peers will have no idea you’re straightening your teeth while talking to them.

Invisalign is an effective but easy and comfortable journey towards a new life full of the confidence given by a beautiful straight smile. The invisible aligners are the proof that there is no need for too much hassle in order to get the straight teeth you’ve always wanted.

If you’re ready to find out what your options are you can contact us here. To read Your Guide To Invisalign part 2 click HERE

Rediscover Your Smile in Leicester Your guide to the Inman Aligner, part four

Posted on: September 11th, 2015 by freshadmin No Comments


With any dental procedure, it’s only natural to have worries and concerns about the work that needs to be done. Rather than let patients step into the unknown, the team at the Straight Teeth Suite ensure that you are aware of every step of the treatment through maintaining dialogue from the first step to the last. Before your initial consultation, however, you may want to check out the final part of our 4 part blog series titled: Your Guide To The Inman Aligner for any final questions you need answering – continued below.

Is it safe to have a root filling while wearing the Inman Aligner?

As a rule, the team tend to recommend all other treatments to be completed beforehand, regardless of what it is. From orthodontic to other straightening procedures, it’s best that the teeth are seen to for these issues prior to the fitting of the aligner, but when it as absolutely necessary there can be exceptions. It’s worth noting that, on occasion, teeth that have recently had root fillings can become more fragile – potentially causing complications with the aligner later down the line.

Do I need a full brace to correct two misaligned teeth?

This would depend on your bite and dental profile. It depends on a number of things, so it’s difficult to say without having an initial consultation. Generally it depends on the bottom teeth, but if there were just simple crowding at the front then you wouldn’t necessarily need a full brace.

Could I have an Inman Aligner for both the top and bottom jaws?

This isn’t a path that the dentists would normally choose to take, simply because it can feel extremely bulky within your mouth. If you felt that both jaws were in need to the treatment, it’s likely that they would be treated one at a time – this allows greater precision with the individual aligner, and greater clarity when it comes to seeing the results.

When should I start to feel my teeth move?

Due to the effectiveness of the Inman Aligner, you could expect to feel your teeth become tender within a few days. Every time you come in for a check-up, we’ll be able to track the movement to signify how well the aligner is working – it is a very gradual process, so you may not be able to see progress every single day.

Why do I feel pain whilst eating?

As with any treatment, the area affected becomes more sensitive – this is the same with your teeth. The aligner may initially make it more uncomfortable for you to bite, but if the pain feels too severe then don’t hesitate to contact the team and the relevant pain relief will be made available to you.

Will my teeth feel loose while wearing the Inman Aligner?

It’s completely natural for your teeth to loosen during this procedure, as the pressure will soften the bones around the affected area. It may feel a bit wobbly, but it’s a standard symptom of the aligner. As always, if you feel like there is too much movement going on, just contact the team in the West Midlands and they will take a look for you.

My Inman Aligner has given me blisters. Is this normal?

Again, symptoms such as this are completely natural. With any brace or aligner, it may rub when you eat – especially in the early days, when your mouth is not used to the friction. The Straight Teeth Suite do offer specialist waxes to cover the areas particularly affected, which can be a great help if you are suffering particularly badly. Just contact one of the team, and they will ensure everything is done to remedy this.

How do you clean the Inman Aligner?

It’s recommended that you invest in a good, small toothbrush, as this will allow you to physically remove anything that gets stuck within the aligner. There are also specially designed products that are available from the Straight Teeth Suite that are extremely effective in cleaning them.

Can I stop wearing my aligner early as my teeth already look and feel straight?

It’s absolutely vital that you let the dentists make this decision, rather than opting to do so yourself. Just pop in for an examination and the team will be able to show you the progress made, and how far you need to go with the treatment cycle until it is completed. If they are happy that the objectives of the treatment have been met, you’ll be able to remove the aligner straight away.

My Inman Aligner treatment is finished but I do not feel happy with the results. What do I do?

One of the things that is advocated at the Straight Teeth Suite is open communication between doctor and patient. If you have any concerns or dissatisfactions, don’t hesitate to air them with the team and they will always be on hand to assist you in any way that they can. From the outset, you will be provided with a realistic outcome and the team will always work towards this being met.

The Inman Aligner is one of our most popular treatments here at the Straight Teeth Suite, and as a result we get so many different questions and queries from potential patients as to whether it could work for them. Our four-part guide is designed to alleviate any concerns you may have, but the easiest way to work out whether the treatment is for you is through a consultation with one of the dentist. If you feel like the Inman Aligner could help you rediscover your smile, then contact us today or read Your Guide to Inman Aligner Part 1 for more question and answers.

Invisalign: Straight Teeth Without Braces

Posted on: May 12th, 2014 by freshadmin No Comments

Most of us remember only too well the trials and tribulations of our school days, especially those few, unlucky individuals who had to wear unattractive metal braces. Getting through high school was bad enough without having to endure the taunts and teasing from all the other kids and that may have been one of the reasons that many chose not to have a brace to straighten their own teeth.

At the time, it may have seemed like a good idea.

But the kid who had a brace in school now has a straight attractive smile and you might be thinking about it and wish you had endured a few hardships back then. And you don’t want to go around with unattractive metal braces now that you’re an adult.

It’s too late, or so you may think.

Technology has moved on considerably in the last few years and straight teeth and a perfect smile don’t have to be at the expense of looking good to your friends and colleagues.

Visit the Straight Teeth Suite in the East Midlands and you can have a look at Invisalign, a revolutionary dental solution that can be used to treat crooked teeth or excess spacing of teeth. And if you want straight teeth and an attractive smile, without the prospect of a mouthful of unsightly metal, then Invisalign could be the option to choose.

What is Invisalign?

The Invisalign process consists of clear plastic aligners that are fitted to move your teeth and the great thing is they are practically invisible. Unlike conventional braces, these can be removed which makes cleaning easier and, with no wires, food doesn’t get caught in them. They take a comparably shorter time to work than traditional braces and are suitable for both adults and teenagers.

The aligners work in stages. You will be fitted with a set after your dentist takes impressions of your teeth. These are worn all the time except when you are eating and drinking. After the first set of aligners have done their job, you go back to the dentist and have another set that further straightens your teeth. Over time, the aligners gently push your teeth into the right position so that you end up with a perfect, straight smile.

  • Invisalign aligners can handle most problems from crowding to excess spacing.
  • Because of the way they fit, no one will know that you are wearing them so you don’t have to worry about having a mouthful of unattractive metal braces.
  • Invisalign is more comfortable and easier to clean than normal braces.
  • How long the work takes will depend on what the problem is, but your dental practitioner at will be able to give you the right advice.

If you have always wanted a straight attractive smile and have wondered if it was possible, then visit us at The Straight Teeth Suite in Nottingham, Leicester or Loughborough and find out what Invisalign can do for you right now.