Invisalign and 6 Month braces are two of the most effective treatments available right now producing excellent results, in their devastating majority. However, they are not applicable to all cases, and you may need other treatments to close spaces between teeth. For example, gappy teeth with small gaps can have porcelain veneers or white fillings (cosmetic bonding), while bigger spaces, where fillings or veneers may make the teeth too wide, can be closed with teeth straightening options.
At Straight Teeth Suite, we have treated numerous patients with gappy teeth, mainly using Six Month braces and clear aligners, such as Smilelign and Invisalign. You have seen those photos, for sure! All these procedures are quick and very discreet, so you have nothing stopping you from your daily endeavours. But, what happens when spaced teeth cannot be treated with any of these treatments?

Patient’s Case with Bite Issues and Gappy Teeth

If there are bite issues such as significant overjets (space between top teeth and bottom teeth), or deep overbite (when the top teeth cover too much the lower teeth), you may have to consider a conventional brace such as Damon braces.

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This lovely patient came to us complaining about the appearance of his teeth. He didn’t like the gaps, and was also unhappy about the proclination of the teeth (sticky out teeth), which caused problems with his bite; another thing he did not like (the way the top teeth met the bottom ones). All these issues had made him feel very conscious and uncomfortable to smile.
We explained that the ideal option in his case was a more comprehensive approach, treating all of his teeth and correcting his bite – his overjet and overbite. The patient understood this treatment option would give him the results he wanted. He had upper and lower Damon Q metal braces. He came every 8 weeks for his adjustment appointments and was given elastics to wear between the top and bottom jaw to help correct the bite. The patient responded excellently to our instructions and followed everything advised to him. He also ensured he regularly saw our lovely hygienist Rebecca for regular scales to maintain a good oral hygiene regime.
The treatment lasted approximately 15 months. At the brace removal appointment, he was provided with Upper and Lower fixed retainers and at the following appointment he was given night time retainers and a home whitening kit. Following the teeth straightening and the teeth whitening, his smile was completely transformed, giving him the confidence to smile for photos (and not only)!

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We are always happy to see our patients smile and enjoy not only their new healthy mouth and perfectly straight and white teeth, but also their new uplifted mood and spirits that change their everyday life, adding more quality to it.

If you also have gappy teeth and don’t know which option is best for you, just contact us and we will be more than happy to book your first consultation completely for FREE and provide you with all the information you need to know, at the relaxing and charming atmosphere of our practice.
