Wondering whether you are a suitable candidate for lingual braces? You are not alone. Many patients come to our practice in Loughborough and ask us the exact same thing. Considering the appeal this treatment has to teenagers and adults, it is no surprise so many people want to know more about it. Of the many things said and written, not everything is accurate. So, here is a brief overview to help clear the air! Of course, your dentist* (please see the note below) is the one responsible for determining which teeth straightening treatment is bet for you, but let’s go over some basics before you visit one!

As a general rule, just remember that if you can be treated with traditional braces, chances are you are also suited to lingual braces.

What cases do lingual braces treat?

Lingual braces are ideal for correcting numerous issues, from very minor to more severe related to the misalignment of the bite and teeth. So, if you have such issues, you will find an effective orthodontic treatment with lingual braces.

Also, lingual braces are used to treat malocclusions, such as crossbites, underbites, and overbites, as well as crooked, crowded, and gappy teeth. In detail:

  • Overcrowding occurs when all the teeth don’t have enough room to fit normally.
  • Any extra spaces within the jaw lead to widely spaced teeth or gappy teeth.
  • When you have a misaligned upper and lower jaw, you are having cross bites, which means that one or more upper teeth bite on the inside of the lower teeth, either to the side or the front of the mouth.
  • Deep bite is when the upper teeth overlap with the lower ones to a significant degree.
  • Finally, underbites occur when you have protruding front teeth. This is because the upper jaw undergrows for some reason, or the lower jaw overgrows (maybe even both).

What ages are ideal for lingual braces?

Typically, adult patients feel strongly about lingual braces, mainly because they appreciate the fact that they have been provided with a way to develop a great smile and correct their bite issues without compromising their appearance. Their smile improves quickly, without anyone knowing they are under an orthodontic treatment. However, an increasing number of teens and preteens also find lingual braces to be indispensable for the same reasons. They just love wearing braces that don’t obscure their teeth and not feeling self-conscious about their appearance. And, we all know how challenging the school environment can be.

Therefore, if you are an adult, professional, or have a teenage child and having a discreet orthodontic treatment is not enough, lingual braces are the best option. They are not only confidence boosters because they are completely invisible, but also very effective in treating every issue conventional treatments can. So, if you are suited for conventional braces you are an excellent candidate for lingual braces, too.

* NOTE: Only dentists who have been on additional training can apply lingual braces and determine if lingual braces will work for you, so be careful when choosing a dentist for that particular treatment.


Fill your moments with much laughter and the widest smiles ever. Contact us now, book your complimentary consultation (free of any obligations), and be free to focus on your fantastic smile, not your braces anymore!


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