You may have had braces fitted in your teenage years only to find that over time your teeth have moved back to their original position and are as crooked or overcrowded as they were originally.  Perhaps you are now contemplating whether or not to have braces or aligners fitted to repeat the treatment and correct your smile again but are of the opinion there is little point if they are going to move once your treatment is completed. The reason for the failed treatment is not in most cases because the straightening treatment did not work but because you were either not advised to wear retainers or failed to do so. Your smile will last if you follow a few simple rules as set down by the Straight Teeth Suite.

The most important part of teeth straightening treatment are the retainers.  Whether you have had fixed braces or clear aligners to straighten your teeth, once they are removed a retainer will need to be fitted to keep your teeth permanently in their new position. Without a retainer, teeth can move into the spaces or position they were in before.  When you undergo an orthodontic treatment, the bone and tissue surrounding the teeth require some time to adjust to the new position they are moved into, by your treatment. This time span is crucial and must be used intelligently, to maximize the effect of having worn braces to straighten your teeth to achieve a beautiful smile.

The best retainer is a fixed retainer.   This is a small wire fixed to the reverse side of the teeth and held in place with a white filling material, so it is very discreet. Retainers allow the gums to adjust slowly to the new bone structure and keep the teeth perfectly aligned, at the same time. You are the only person, aside from your dentist, who need know the fixed retainer is there.  Not only is it invisible but it is comfortable.  Very soon you will forget you are wearing the retainer.  It remains in position indefinitely protecting your teeth from moving.

In addition, the Straight Teeth Suite recommend a removable retainer worn over the fixed retainer only at night.  The ‘belt and braces’ combination of the fixed wire and removable retainer ensures good stability while you sleep. Patients who have adhered to this type of retention treatment over a period of more than eight years are the patients whose teeth have remained in position and are happy with their smile.

For all of you who have successfully endured dental treatment and worn braces for anything from six months to two years to straighten your teeth, the relief of finally having your braces removed and seeing your new smile light up your face is a magical moment. Long may it last.

Contact the Straight Teeth Suite here for an appointment to talk about braces and retainers to keep your smile for life.

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