Of all the popular treatments that are available for straightening teeth, the most popular is undoubtedly lingual braces. Here at the Straight Teeth Suite we are able to provide professional care in Nottingham at competitive rates, but it is important that you are aware of the finer details of the procedure before you proceed.

In part 3 of this blog series, one of our dentists will run through everything you need to know to decide whether you feel the process is right for you.

Am I suitable for lingual braces?

As we touched on in our previous blog, it really does depend on the individual. The whole purpose of the consultation appointment is to take a closer look at your teeth and your bite, and from there we are able to advise whether or not you are a good candidate.

I’m currently wearing braces. Can I make the switch to lingual braces?

The short answer is yes, you could. Again, it depends on what stage of your treatment you are in and what you and your current dentist are trying to achieve. Realistically, we need to see your teeth to be able to answer this question properly and provide you with the information you need. Of course, it is possible we will be able to offer the treatment to you; however, there may be an additional charge in order to do so.

How often do I see my dentist once I begin my treatment?

With lingual braces, we tend to see you every six to eight weeks. As we move closer to the end of the treatment the visits may become more frequent.

Is the treatment painful?

As you can imagine, this is one of the most common questions we get asked! As with any dental brace, it may be slightly painful at points. For example, on the front of the teeth you get a lot of rubbing on the cheeks and the lips, whereas with a lingual brace you get this on your tongue. As your tongue is quite sensitive, this can obviously become quite sore.

It’s important to prepare yourself for things like this, in order to minimise the discomfort. Your dentist at the Straight Teeth Suite will give you some wax to use, as well as a mouthguard to wear while you sleep, to protect your tongue further. If you’ve had teeth moved, you may also experience tenderness around the affected area, but this is all completely normal and does improve over time.

What will I look like with the appliances in?

This is a simple one – you’ll look exactly the same as you do without them in. Many people worry about the damaging effect that lingual braces might have on their appearance when they are out and about in Leicester, but you needn’t worry about any severe changes occurring while the treatment is in place.

One thing you may experience, however, is a short period where your teeth may begin to look worse than they did at the start of the treatment. Usually this is hidden by the braces when they are at the front, so you can’t see it as much, but when the teeth are moving at the back you can go through that much-maligned ‘ugly duckling’ stage. Don’t panic, though, this is to be expected as part of the treatment plan – it means you’re progressing and, as we said, it won’t last for long.

How much of the time will I need to wear my product?

A fixed brace will be in all the time, so you don’t need to worry about forgetting to put it in or take it out. Some people are initially put off by this, but lingual braces are actually the more practical option in the long run.

Are there any other additions to the treatment?

It’s important to remember that even when a case has finished, our staff may need to pull clear liners to be worn in order to complete it fully. This is simply to achieve that final finish with ease. It’s not always needed, but it’s worth keeping in mind beforehand, just so that you’re not taken by surprise come the end of the treatment cycle.

Will I need headgear?

So far, we have never offered headgear to a patient. It has not been needed and it is likely that this will remain the case as we move into the future.

How are you going to prevent my teeth from shifting again?

Regardless of what kind of braces you have, you’ll need to have retainers for the rest of your life in order to keep them straight. Without retainers, your teeth will simply move back. What we tend to provide is a combination of fixed and removable retainers, which will be all you’ll need for as long as you have your retainers.

Do lingual braces damage the teeth, roots or gums?

No – there are two very rare complications with braces, but these apply to all types of braces. One is that the nerve of the tooth can die, but this is typically linked to some form of trauma, such as falling over, being hit in the face by a ball or something similar) Incidents such as these damage the nerve, and you may end up needing root canal treatment. It is likely that you may become a bit more sensitive to trauma with braces.

The other unlikely complication is that the root of the tooth can become shorter. This is called recession, and again, is very rare. This depends on the thickness of your gums, but again keep it in mind during your decision-making process. This tends to be linked to very complex treatments, when complicated movements need to be achieved, and these take quite a long time – very unlikely, but you should be made aware of this nonetheless.

Can people still see traces of the braces on my teeth after treatment?

The traces are rarely obvious, especially if they are on the back of your teeth. Some people may notice white marks on their teeth, but this is usually due to consuming a lot of sweets and fizzy drinks, things that make your enamel really thin. If your diet and hygiene are good, you shouldn’t have any problems whatsoever.

When should I start seeing results?

And so it comes full circle with our answers for this blog – it all depends on the patient. The complexity levels of each case will determine the speed of the process. One patient treated by the Straight Teeth Suite was so responsive that within three or four months their teeth had almost completely transformed. For all parties involved, it was a fantastic experience and did much to highlight the true benefits of lingual braces and the services offered by teeth straightening professionals.

Of course, we can only cover the basics in these FAQ guides. The best way to discover which path of treatment is right for you is by arranging a FREE consultation. To read the next article of the Your Guide To Lingual Braces series, part 4, click HERE

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