Dental braces can give you the cosmetic results you have always desired, but did you know they have many other benefits for your overall health and wellbeing? While it is true that many patients cite appearance when choosing to invest in dental braces, there are myriad other health-related reasons why you should invest in this treatment.

Here is a brief overview of the most common medical and physical reasons people elect to straighten their teeth in Loughborough – do you recognise any of your own concerns below?

Reason 1: Crowded or crooked teeth leading to decay

If your teeth are very crowded and /or crooked, it can be a challenge to keep them clean. A crooked alignment to your teeth can make effective brushing and flossing nearly impossible, and this poor oral hygiene can lead to serious health risks, including the development of caries (cavities), increased rates of gum disease and even the potential for abscessed sores in your mouth.



In the worst-case scenarios, this has led to patients requiring extractions and needing to replace their natural teeth with a set of dentures. While dental implants and dentures are nothing to be ashamed of, you can often avoid these drastic and expensive measures if thorough dental hygiene is made possible with dental braces.

Reason 2: Bite issues and misaligned jaw

If you suffer from pain, stress and tension in your jaw and up through to your temples and skull, the problem often originates in the misalignment of your teeth. If your bite is not aligned correctly, unnecessary wear on one side of your jaw can result in permanent damage and great pain, grinding issues and stress with your entire mandibular system. These problems can often be addressed or minimised with corrective dental braces.



Reason 3: Inability to chew food correctly and efficiently

When one part of your body is off kilter, the ill effects can spread through all of your vital organs and bodily systems. Your mouth and teeth are just two part of your entire digestive system, the series of functions that nourish and replenish the fuel you need to survive. If your teeth are not correctly aligned, you can have difficulties chewing your food properly, and this can in turn affect your stomach, intestines and other internal organs, leaving your improperly nourished and doing damage to your soft tissues.



Reason 4: To reduce the risk of dental trauma

Protruding or crooked teeth can put you at a higher risk of dental trauma when playing sports or in the case of an accidental contact injury. Having these misalignments and protrusions corrected with dental braces will greatly reduce these risks.



From the list above it is easy to see that the attraction of a natural looking, correctly aligned smile is only one aspect of the decision to straighten your teeth. If any of the above maladies or threats sound familiar to you, then it is best to act as quickly as possible and begin mitigating your risk for dental trauma, tooth decay or poor nutrition. If you are wondering what you can do to improve your dental health, speak to someone in person about your options, give the team at Straight Teeth Suite in Loughborough an email or a call today.

You are not alone if you find your lower teeth are overcrowded and are frustratingly difficult to keep clean.  Many people with crowded lower teeth would like to resolve the problem not only to improve the way their smile looks but to make it easier to clean their teeth and prevent further problems.  You might be one of the crowd when it comes to people with crooked teeth but to the Straight Teeth Suite you are unique, and they have lots of options to straighten your teeth and keep them clean and healthy.

If your lower teeth are overcrowded, you may find they are stained and plaque has built up between your teeth.  No matter how well you brush or how often you see a hygienist the problem is getting worse, and you find it difficult to floss between your teeth.  The best way to resolve the problem is to straighten your lower teeth.  When straightening your teeth you will also resolve a number of oral health issues:

  • You will achieve a beautiful smile
  • Your teeth will be easier to clean
  • You will prevent periodontal/ gum disease
  • You will prevent cavities between your teeth
  • You will prevent wear and tear and chipping of your teeth

There are a number of choices when it comes to braces and straightening your lower teeth. Depending on the severity of the individual’s case, a clear aligner such as Invisalign or Smilelign is an excellent choice.  A clear aligner is made from a mould taken of your teeth.  The aligner is made to fit perfectly over your teeth and is never a case of one size fits all; no two mouths are ever the same.  Your aligner is invisible, easy to wear and can be removed while you eat or clean your teeth.  It is replaced every two or three weeks as your teeth move to their new position. In as little as ten weeks for simple cases, provided you wear the aligner all the time, you will achieve your new smile and become confident in keeping your teeth clean and your gums healthy. More complex cases will take a little longer.

An alternative to clear aligners is a fixed brace such as 6-month braces or a Damon Brace. As with traditional braces, these are fixed to the teeth with brackets and the wires are tightened to move the teeth into the desired position. Unlike traditional braces, the wires and brackets can be tooth coloured making them almost invisible.  And, as with the aligners, the complexity of the individual case will determine how long treatment takes.

If both your upper and lower teeth are crowded or misaligned and you would like a beautiful straight smile you may consider having both treated together or individually.  Make an appointment with the Straight Teeth Suite here for a diagnosis and they will recommend the best treatment for you. Soon you will stand out from the crowd with your new smile.

If you have a narrow arch your front teeth may appear prominent and your smile may not be as effective as you would wish.  You may think there is nothing that can be done and it is your lot in life to have a minimal grin.  Fear not. With arch expansion at the Straight Teeth Suite, you can soon broaden your horizons, increase your confidence and improve your smile.

Arch Expansion

Everyone is different and smiles come in different shapes and sizes. Celebrities, such as Julia Roberts or Angelina Jolie are instantly recognisable by their broad smiles.  But, if your mouth is too small and too narrow, no amount of trying to stretch your grin will achieve a smile like these stars. If your arch is too narrow, you may feel very self-conscious, as if your smile does not fit your personality.  Patients, with a narrow arch, show very little of their back teeth as they are covered by the shadow from the cheeks.  With an arch expansion, the teeth are repositioned to open up and broaden your smile to suit your face.  A general estimation of the right smile for you is when it reaches the centre of your eyes, in line with the pupils.

With a narrow arch, your teeth may be over-crowded and your bite misaligned.  This can lead to oral health issues, such as gum disease, as overcrowded teeth are very difficult to keep clean however meticulous you are when you brush your teeth.

Damon Braces

The Straight Teeth Suite uses Damon braces to straighten the teeth and widen the arch.  Damon braces are a fixed brace which, unlike traditional braces, use a slide mechanism to hold the wire, allowing teeth to move more freely, quickly and comfortably creating an arch expansion and a great smile.

In this case, you can see how prominent the patient’s front teeth were.  We made a full evaluation and fitted Damon braces.

The result was a broader arch, eliminating the shadows in the patient’s mouth when he smiles.

Arch Expansion

Arch Expansion

Anything we haven’t cover on arch expansion? Post your comment below and we’ll make sure to answer.

If you are planning two major events in your life, getting straight teeth and having a baby, you may be able to achieve both at one and the same time.  However, to achieve this safely and successfully, you need to be prepared.  A new baby will give you lots to smile about, and straight teeth will make that smile so special.  The Straight Teeth Suite have compiled an essential list of the points to consider when contemplating braces while you are pregnant, so you know what to expect and can factor them into your plans. You and your baby can have a photo of your first new smiles together!

  1. Plan your braces with your dentist before you get pregnant so all X-rays can be taken before treatment begins.  Although the radiation dosage in dental X-rays is minimal, we do not risk taking X-rays in pregnant patients, especially in the first trimester.
  2. Provided your teeth and gums are healthy, there is no reason not to have braces during pregnancy.
  3. The hormones released during pregnancy fluctuate and can make you more sensitive to plaque build up.  Oral health is important at all times, but you need to be extra, extra, extra vigilant with brushing and flossing when you are pregnant.  Make regular visits to the hygienist for a professional clean and be sure to follow their advice.
  4. During the early days, following the fitting of your new braces, you may experience some discomfort when eating and not be able to chew.  It is essential to keep to a nutritious diet for the health of your unborn baby and your own well being.  Keep a good selection of healthy soups in stock to get you through these days without going hungry. Scrambled eggs, porridge, baked potatoes and other soft foods are healthy ways to avoid hunger when you can’t bite.
  5. Start your braces treatment early in your pregnancy as, towards the final months, your growing bump may make it awkward and uncomfortable to lie back in the dentist’s chair for extended periods of time.
  6. If you are planning on taking extended maternity leave, this may be a good time to have your braces fitted.  In the early weeks, following the birth of your baby, you may find you have little time for yourself to keep appointments but once you have settled into a routine, you will have a little more time for yourself.
  7. Some people develop a lisp in the initial weeks following the fitting of their braces. Singing to your baby will help to overcome any speech problems.

If you would like an appointment with the Straight Teeth Suite to discuss braces, please contact us here

Your teenager may have reached the age where their adult teeth have erupted and they need braces.  They may have an overcrowded mouth, protruding teeth, or a poor bite but they are rebelling at the idea of braces and need answers before their next dental appointment.  The Straight Teeth Suite have compiled a useful list of questions and answers to help you and your children but don’t hesitate to ask any questions we may have omitted.

Frequently asked questions

Braces are worn to correct irregularities in the position of your teeth.  Your teeth may be overcrowded, have gaps, or stick out and braces will realign your teeth to correct such problems.

Your teeth will function better in the correct position, you will prevent damage to prominent teeth, you will be less prone to dental disease, you will have a great smile and bags more self-confidence.

Obvious signs you need braces are overcrowded teeth or teeth with gaps, sticky-out front teeth, difficulty chewing or an overhung jaw.  There are other signs your dentist can spot during your regular check-ups.

Your teeth should be monitored from an early age. Everyone grows at a different age, losing baby teeth and growing adult teeth. If you need braces, they will usually be fitted in your teenage years once your permanent teeth have erupted.

No. Braces are no longer the sole domain of teenagers. More and more adults, including who had her braces fitted at the age of 61, are resorting to braces and lovely smiles.

Some patients, especially if their teeth are overcrowded, will need to have teeth extracted.  Your dentist will advise you of the treatment you will require and talk you through the whole procedure.

After your braces have been fitted, depending on which type of braces, you will need to see the dentist every four or eight weeks to adjust the wires.  Some patients teeth move more quickly than others and may need more frequent visits to the surgery.

No, but your braces may be uncomfortable for a week or two while you get used to wearing them and adjusting to the pressure of the wire moving your teeth gently to their new position.  Some patients need painkillers for the first few days as their braces begin to work.

If the brace is rubbing you can use dental wax to cover the brackets and relieve the irritation.  If you need to take a painkiller, both paracetamol or Ibuprofen are effective in giving pain relief.

Braces are now made from materials which do not damage the enamel of the teeth.  Poor hygiene is the cause of most damage, and you will need to follow a strict brushing regime to prevent harm.

You will need to brush after every meal and before you go to bed, take care to brush well around the brackets and use mouthwash.  A hygienist will teach you how to keep your braces clean and professionally clean your teeth while you are wearing braces.

Removable braces take a little while to adjust to, and you may lisp for a day or two. Fixed braces do not affect speech.

With a little practice you can adapt to playing most instruments.  If you play the trumpet or other brass instruments, you may find the pressure from the mouthpiece uncomfortable on your braces.

If you have been fitted with removable braces, they must be taken out for contact sports, such as football and tennis and swimming.  For fixed braces it will be necessary to wear a gum shield or mouth guard designed to fit over braces.

No matter the reason for loss or damage of your braces, contact your dentist immediately so they can fit new braces without delay.

This depends on the complexity of the problem being treated.  You may need to wear braces for anything from a year to eighteen months. Your dentist will advise you at your first consultation.

Removable retainers are usually worn for six months after your braces have been removed while your teeth stabilize into their new position.  Fixed retainers are very discreet and are worn for life to prevent the teeth from moving back into their old position.

If you are under the age of 16 your parent or guardian will need to accompany you to your first visit to sign the consent forms.  Your dentist may ask to see your parents again if there are complications.

Not necessarily.  The Straight Teeth Suite will try to schedule your appointments outside of school hours, but this is not always possible.  Your school is obliged to give you time off for dental appointments so be sure to tell them.

We will be seeing you frequently to adjust your braces and will give you regular check-ups.

Braces have come a long way from the train track variety that was once the cause of teasing and bullying.  Some young people choose fixed braces with coloured wires, but Lingual braces are a preferred choice, as they are fixed to the back of the teeth and are almost invisible. No one need know you are wearing braces.

If you would like a free consultation for your child. Make an appointment with the Straight Teeth Suite in Nottingham HERE

At the end of every brace treatment, patients are required to wear retainers. At the Straight Teeth Suite, we provide our patients with two sets of retainers, either removable or permanent fixed retainers, and then a set of removable retainers. Removable retainers look much like this here.

It’s a clear, plastic appliance that will keep your teeth straight, and you will have to wear it permanently for six months and remove it when eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth. For the six months following that, you will need to wear it every night. For the final stage, we advise you to wear it 3-4 nights a week for the rest of your life.

Fixed Retainer or Not?

If your bite permits it, we do recommend having a fixed permanent retainer. We refer to this as a bonded retainer, and it is a little wire that sits behind the back of your front teeth and keeps them straight. If you have a permanent retainer, you only need to wear your removable one at nighttime for the first 12 months. After that, again, you can go to 3-4 nights a week. However, please note that all retainers are meant to be used for life, regardless of their type.

Note: If you have a permanent bonded retainer, you won’t be able to floss in between your teeth.

Additional Dental Aid

As an alternative to dental support, we recommend you get some TePe brushes that come in many colours, with each colour representing different sizes. Your dentist or a hygienist can tell you which one is the most appropriate for you. TePe brushes fit reaches the gaps in between your teeth, allowing you to clean all areas you would normally couldn’t, with regular brushing. You can use them around your bonded retainer and ensure a healthy mouth.

What to Do if you Notice Tooth Movement

If you notice any unwanted tooth movement, please do give us a call, and one of our dentists will assess your case and see if any change has indeed occurred. The bonded retainers will stay in your mouth for as long as you want your teeth to be straight, and they are easy to repair if anything comes unglued. In addition, at Straight Teeth Suite, you also get a yearly guarantee for our retainers.

Important Notes:

  1. We do strongly advise you to keep your removable retainers in a case so you don’t lose them or damage them. Several of our patients have had incidents where their dogs have actually eaten them! So, better keep them in the case than trying to figure out how they have gone missing!
  2. In regards cleaning your removable retainer, just take it out after you have worn it overnight and simply rinse and clean it in cold water. Alternatively, you can get a Retainer Brite that you can use to clean your appliance. Have a cup of warm (not hot) water, add the Retainer Brite to it (it will make a blue solution) and pop your retainer in. Leave for about 15-20 minutes (the solution will go clear) and your retainers are spotlessly clean!

For any other questions considering your oral health, retainers, braces, or anything else related to your oral health, just contact us and we will be happy to have everything clear for you. Book your first consultation FREE of charge and let’s discuss the things that trouble you! The solutions are there…so, what are you waiting for!

Among the many questions patients in Nottingham ask is whether they are suitable for 6 Months braces. Truth is this cosmetic braces solution is a perfect option for adults that want to enhance their smile and stop covering their mouths when they talk, smile or laugh, out of low self-confidence. If it is suitable for all? With the exception of a small minority of people, the 6 Months Braces is a treatment that most patients can use.

Who is NOT suitable for 6 Months Braces?

  • Those that are not suitable to undergo this treatment include:
  • Children that still have their baby teeth
  • Teenagers that have adult teeth, whose roots are not fully formed yet
  • Adults with untreated gum disease
  • Adults with untreated tooth problems
  • Adults with severe bone loss around their teeth

Straight Teeth Suite considers it unethical to treat patients with untreated teeth or gum problems, and we always make sure our patient’s mouths are healthy, before we proceed to any treatment whatsoever. For that reason, we carry out a full dental healthy check, complemented with X-rays, before each treatment, to determine is everything is as supposed.

Are there any restrictions?

Age Restrictions

Some patients worry that they are too old to wear braces. This is a big misconception among many people. Provided your teeth and gums are healthy, you can have braces, so, never pay any attention to those that insist you are too old to pursuit a beautiful smile.

Bite Issues

Other than that, you do need to NOT have any bite issues. If you are experiencing severe crossbites, overbites or underbites, the 6 Months braces is not recommended. We can treat patients that want to correct their front teeth, but have no bite issues. In any instance that your bite issues are complex or your teeth are crowded, we will provide you with another option and offer a conventional brace treatment, instead.

What makes 6 Months Braces a Perfect Option for Adults?

The 6 Months braces is an entirely discreet treatment that allows people to wear braces without feeling stuck. Unlike when wearing (non-aesthetically pleasing) adult metal braces for years, with 6 Months braces is short-termed and you can achieve a great result and straight teeth in just a few months’ time.

Other people are worried about other corrective teeth straightening procedures being overly invasive or costly, which is another reason they decide to have the 6 Months braces treatment.
However, in order to enjoy the benefits of this treatment, you need to find a trusted practice with professionals that can properly assess your teeth and determine whether the 6 Months braces is the best cosmetic braces solution for you.

Dr Raha Sepehrara, the principal dentist here at Straight Teeth Suite was the first to receive full training in the 6 Months braces in the UK a few years ago, and ever since, she has provided this treatment to hundreds of patients from all over the country.


Contact us now and get your FREE Straight Teeth Guide, book your FREE consultation, and have your teeth straightened within a matter of months!

Many patients would like to straighten their teeth not only so they have an attractive, confident smile but so their teeth are healthy.  Only a deep-rooted fear of the dentists or the fear braces and straightening teeth is a painful process, is stopping them.  The Straight Teeth Suite can help you with your dental phobia and offer you a relaxing, pain-free treatment so you too can have a great new smile.

1# The first step

Is to diagnose the health of your teeth and with the help of x-rays, see what corrections need to be made. Some corrections are quite simple, and only a few gaps need to be closed, or only the front teeth need to be repositioned. Other cases with severe crowding are more complex and might require extraction of a few teeth or IPR where a little enamel is gently removed to make room for the teeth to move.

2# Don’t be alarmed

Our dentists are trained in sedation dentistry and will make sure you are happy to proceed with treatment with the help of sedation if needed, so you are deeply relaxed, or the Wand, a computerised, needle-free alternative delivering anaesthetic, so you don’t feel a thing.  

3# Pain Free

We have many methods to make your treatment both stress-free and pain-free. Our clinics are all designed to be peaceful, relaxing areas where you can listen to music or watch a movie, taking your mind away from anything clinical or distressing. Many patients say they would have treatment if only they could sleep through it but stay in control.  

4# There are many types of braces

Your choice will depend on your diagnosis.  If your teeth are only moderately crowded, you might be suitable for a removable aligner.  Custom made from impressions of your teeth, they consist of a series of clear plastic braces that are almost invisible and removable. You change your aligners every two to three weeks as your teeth move towards their new position. With gentle movements, the aligners gradually reposition your teeth without the need for wires and brackets.  This is a totally pain-free experience but if the idea of wearing something alien in your mouth for a time is a little scary, our dentists can help you relax and overcome your fear.

5# For more complex straightening cases

A fixed brace might be the best choice to ensure your teeth are correctly and safely repositioned.  A fixed brace consists of brackets bonded to your teeth and wires fixed to the brackets. Over time, the wires gently move the teeth very slowly, with the least amount of force, into the desired position.  Braces today are designed to be as discreet as possible, with tooth coloured brackets and clear wires.  Alternatively, lingual braces are bonded to the reverse side of the teeth where they can’t be seen and are almost invisible.  We won’t pretend this treatment is not without its discomforts and can take time to get used to, but our dentists can prepare you for this and help you overcome all your difficulties with your braces.

6# Modern dentists and dentistry

We have made so many new discoveries to help you to overcome your fears and stay in control; you can now say goodbye to your anxieties forever.  

Do you want to straighten your teeth and need braces but your too scared? Leave us a comment below and we answer any concerns you may have.

In the recent years, we have seen an increase in adult patients wanting to improve their smile through teeth straightening.

Celebrities like Gwen Stefani, Katherine Heigl, Holly Willoughby, Mylene Klass have all had some form of braces treatment as adults. So if you are embarrassed of your crooked smile, had braces as a child and lost your retainers and your teeth are misaligned again or not had an opportunity to have braces as a teenager, then feel reassured that our experienced team at the Straight Teeth Suite can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.

Treatments such as 6 month braces can treat most cases within 3-10 months and are highly popular due to the quick results and affordable prices. The special patented shape of the braces and the special wires cause fast tooth movement and correction of very misaligned teeth. Therefore, if other types of teeth straightening treatments are not suitable for you, 6 month braces  may be a good alternative.

Once we have met you for your initial assessment and you decide to go ahead with treatment, we invite you back for a further appointment for moulds, photos and an explanation of what to expect from the treatment. Following this appointment, you are booked back for fitting of the brace and then your review appointments will be approximately every 3 weeks to check progress and change the little elastics. Once your teeth are straight, we take your braces off and provide you with retainers, to ensure the teeth do not move back into their old position.

Don’t forget! If you want your smile to stay straight for life, you need to wear your retainers for life.

If you wish to know the appropriate treatment for you for free, dial the number above your screen for a FREE consultation.

Your initial consultation is specifically designed to have your needs met, and queries answered. At the Straight Teeth Suite, we like to sit down with you and discuss your general dental health and hear all about your thoughts on the future of your mouth. This consultation is your opportunity to share your vision per your dream smile with us and see what we can do to achieve that. Acquiring a beautiful smile, but most importantly maintaining it in mint condition is paramount to your overall health, considering all the adverse conditions that can occur due to neglected oral health. That aside, a good set of pearly whites is definitely a confidence-booster and gives a sense of well-being. This makes our goal at Straight Teeth Suite a noble one, which is why we always go above and beyond the typical first-consultation services.

Standard Procedure

Phase #1: Assess your Oral Condition

The first thing we do when you come in for your first consultation is look at your dental condition. Are your teeth positioned in an aesthetic way? Is your bite function correct? Do you have trouble eating? Are you happy with the shape and colour of your teeth? All these factors will be carefully assessed before we move on to the next phase.

Phase #2: Determine whether Braces (and which braces) are the Perfect Option

Will you REALLY benefit from orthodontics? That’s our main concern. No matter the case, we need to see if braces is the right option for you. You could be a perfect candidate for Invisible or Invisalign braces rather than any other treatment that you may had in your mind. You may need orthodontic treatment for your front teeth only. Maybe you had undergone teeth straightening at an early age and have seen your teeth move again over time. Did you know that you may have your teeth perfectly aligned in 6 just months, providing you meet requirements? Or do you prefer lingual braces that are totally unseen, offering utmost discretion?  To learn more about it, take the Straight Teeth Test, here!

If you decide that braces are not the way to go, you may have other options to allow you to meet your goals, and we will be more than happy to present and discuss them to you.

Since we have a wide range of orthodontic appliances, this is generally a good non-invasive way to start. You talk through options and possibilities with the dentist and decide if braces are a viable treatment option for you. Most of the times, braces are the least expensive investment because you can correct precisely what you don’t like, get them whitened, and you are set for a long time!

Phase #3: Provide Options & Educate 

Your smile makeover is a huge deal and should be approached with sensitivity and care. In respect to your needs and goals, we provide you with all the answers you need to make an informed decision regarding your smile. If there are any dental problems, you will know of them instantly. We want to be absolutely certain that the suggested orthodontic treatment is indeed the right for you.

By the time you leave our clinic, you will know things about cosmetic dentistry procedures that will help you make up your mind.


Want a taste of what is being described? Why not book your first complimentary consultation and get a step closer to the smile of your dreams NOW?